Welcome to an 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

dream a little dream...

Okay, this book is what started it all. A couple years ago our teenage daughter had to have it and my, oh my, now I'm hooked and the chase is on!

What? You haven't read this yet? Then stop right now and click here.

Look at it!

And so, two years later, the search continues. Our daughter would love to find a vintage camper for sleepovers with her friends...what wonderful memories would be made during her senior year of high school. Me? I would be happy on family adventures while the kids are still home...sigh, I feel time is short. Where to find a lovely little camper without mortgaging the farm?

Recently I started a Pinterest page of favorites to keep us motivated...ahhh, 
Eye. Candy. here.

For ages I've passed an adorable yellow Shasta...finally, I stopped and asked where she found such a beauty.

Do you know what she told me? 

Are you sitting down?

About 3 hours south of us, she discovered it in a field...being used for storage!
The owner sold it to her for $100!  EVERTHING WORKED PERFECTLY.


Do you see my face? 
Do you see me shaking my head in disbelief? 
Do you see my mouth open in sheer amazement?

Before I stumbled to the car in a fog, I made sure she had my number, just in case she wanted to part with it someday. (But truly, would you? I think not.)

So, maybe as a sign, I found these a couple weeks ago...about the cutest birdhouses I have ever seen!

And for only $8 at our local dollar store...

And this Christmas ornament found it's way home with us from a local craft store...

So on this sun-shiny, blue-skied Wednesday, I'm dreaming a little dream, crossing my fingers, and scouring the newspapers for a sweet little camper I'd name Maizy.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Just for fun, a couple follow-up photos from last Monday's post. These murals are on the back of large old buildings in a nearby town...wouldn't it be amazing to see how the artists begin the process of these huge paintings?

Love this bike...it would be ideal for family outings!

And this photo shows a small-town canal.  Across the street from the mural is the best farmers' market! It's set in a brick, open-air building with overhead lights for gray market days, and ceiling fans to keep vendors and customers cool on hot summer days...brilliant!

What gifted artists!  There are two more murals near these, I'll share those next week. 

Happy Monday to all!

(Linking up with Monday Murals, here...)

Friday, February 16, 2018

rain, rain, go away!

They say that every inch of rain equals a foot of snow...truly, I would rather have 3 feet of snow than the 3 inches of rain we've seen since yesterday!

Muddy trails to the barns and chicken coop, muddy boots, muddy puddles everywhere, and little muddy cat prints on the trucks!  (Do you see the common theme here...mud?)

And so it goes...but with all that, it's still Friday; yay! I'm planning to bake some 7-grain bread (I'll share the recipe, we think it's really good!), serve up steaming bowls of homemade soup, and start a crackling fire. 

Yes...even with all the mud and rain, life is good, we just have to know where to look. 

Happy weekend, friends!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday murals...

During the week, my daughter has ballet classes in a nearby town...it's a 45 minute drive, but we pass by pretty farms and barns, beautiful old homes, and tempting antique shops...all that makes it a quick and pleasant drive.

Once in town, and across from their farmers' market, are several old brick buildings which have just been given vintage-looking murals..I thought I'd share a couple this morning, and then more again next week...what talent!

Happy Monday, friends!

(Today I'm linking up with Monday Murals here)

Monday, February 05, 2018

snow day!

You know the drill by now...it's -4 degrees and it's a snow day!

kids still snoozing - check
fire in the fireplace - check
stack of movies waiting - check

Biggest decision to make today? Chocolate waffles or chocolate chip pancakes!

Later we'll make snow ice cream...these are the days to hold onto!

Saturday, February 03, 2018

irises, cherry delight, & cola cake...

This year's Christmas was more somber in its celebration...while we kept up with our family traditions, there was something, or better yet someone, very absent from our day.

Someone who welcomed me into her family with open arms, someone who loved her grandchildren with a passion, was always genuinely interested in whatever we were doing, and someone more than happy to have us in her home as often and for as long as we wanted to be there. And before we left, always asked, "When can you come back?"


The news of a loved one's passing is never easy to hear... especially someone so kind and sweet. We recently received a card that said, "I pray that you cherish and hold tight to all the memories."

We will do just that...memories of beautiful irises lining the walkway by the old farmhouse and of delicious food from her kitchen...homemade potato salad, baked beans, cherry delight, and chocolaty cola cake. Memories of a roll top desk we admired that somehow found it's way to our door, and help buying our first "real" furniture. Just a few of the many ways she shared all that she had.

Now, these sweet memories help take the chill out of the winter winds, and yet, each December will most certainly awaken a mix of emotions. Yes, life is a series of memories...and now is the time to recall all the happy ones we've shared.

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