Welcome to our 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

another day to celebrate - pi(e) anyone?

Ahhh yes, we are celebrating Pi Day today...who doesn't love a reason to eat pie?

Yesterday we toted pies to school for the kids to enjoy, and today, if you stopped by you'd find the aroma of turkey pot PIE in the air... yum, topped with a golden crust, it's bubbling away in the oven now ... while warm slices of Tollhouse PIE are eagerly anticipated for dessert.

And so we hope you are celebrating too...after all, a little slice of pie alongside 
all that mathematical goodness makes it even better!

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Happy Pancake Day!

Oh joy...rapture!

if there is anything that goes with ~

beehives surrounded by drifts of snow...

hidden clotheslines dreaming of spring...

and amazing sunsets over the farm...

it's crispy bacon and fluffy pancakes! Topped with real butter and syrup..yum! I can hardly wait 'til everyone's home for dinner!

Whatever you call 'em...flapjacks, pancakes, griddlecakes, johnnycakes...they sound like the perfect "breakfast for dinner" on this frosty, icy, wintry day.

(And if you're the one who decides on these official holidays...thanks, this one's a winner!)

Hope you'll all be celebrating along with us!

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