Welcome to an 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Sunday, March 09, 2025

playing catch-up!


Happy March to all - I hope you’re enjoying a restful and quiet day. I’m falling behind in posting, but I’ve been catching up with all of your adventures! Where does the time go…how can it be March?! 

I’ve spent some days trying new bread recipes (any tips on how to make sourdough less dense and heavy??) I’m still sorting, cleaning, plotting and planning! 

My daughter gave me the prettiest Valentine’s Day flowers, and as of last night, my son’s home from college for Spring break - Happy Dance all around!

I’ve always tried to keep Sunday a quiet day - one to unwind from the previous week, and recharge for the week to come. Right now I’m by the fire with a cup of herbal tea, planning the week’s menus…now, that is NOT usually what I do! I’m very much a “fly by the seat of my pants” person when it comes to the question: “What’s for dinner?”

But, I am planning today - is it just me, or when someone comes home - or leaves for that matter, it’s all about food? Cooking favorites, baking sweet treats, and then sending them out the door with more than they could possibly eat seems to be the norm for me (and by the way - where on Earth did the years go?) 

A couple of quick MaryJanesFarm updates - my March post just went up if you’d like to swing by:

And MaryJane is also having a book giveaway!
I’ll be randomly choosing 3 winners in July, so if you’d like to try and win this book, it’s easy-

Here’s the link for more details:

Just leave a comment at my MJF post telling me what your reverie is..it might be gardening, sewing, baking, making music, reading - there’s no wrong answer!

Well, I’m off to start a new book - the title to this little 4”x7” book caught my eye while I was in a local shop:

Published in 1925 - wow, 100 years ago. And since there are so many “haps and mishaps” around here, it looked perfect!

Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


  1. Those sunsets...and your flowers....are gorgeous!! Yes, the days seem to be flying by. As for the sourdough, be sure your kitchen is warm enough to get a good rise - and that your starter is very robust. (I struggle with rising issues in the winter as my kitchen is one of my coldest rooms - it was added when we remodeled and due to a communication issue, there is nothing but open air beneath part of it. So, I invested in a proofer. Helps when I bother to mess with it.). But, for the most part, sourdough is, by its nature, very dense and tends to be heavy. Your new old book looks like fun. You'll have to give us a report when you're through with it. Off to check out MaryJane's post! ~Robin~

  2. Always a happy day when I see a post from my lovely friend! Your photos are beautiful, and how happy am I that your people are home!! I can't help you with the bread, as I am yet to be brave enough to jump in that pool! If I lived closer to you, I'd be gathering in your kitchen and learning from you! Can you even believe it is March?? My goodness! Have a cozy evening, and a wonderful week in your beautiful world.

  3. I always plan my dinner meals. I dont like to waste food so it works for me. I do like to try new recipes...some keepers, some never make again. Your daughter was very thoughtful giving you flowers. Janice


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