Welcome to an 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

a break in the weather!

Happy Wednesday, and yay, a break in the heat, humidity, and endless string of rainless days!

We've had sunrises that are lovely,

beautiful sunsets that signaled an end to a scorching day,

and thankful twilight time...when there was finally some relief from the heat.

During the days we've seen the change of seasons
around us...

field corn is just about dry,

neighbors are harvesting,

and friends have stacked firewood.

Kittens are growing (and always hungry!)

and every outing means a visit to say "hi" to friendly cows who can be found grazing happily at a nearby farm.

A quick trip to town last night and I spied the prettiest silhouettes of a windmill,

and barn.

And on the way home, the skies became dark & cloudy, and finally we received much-needed rain!

Next time I'll share photos of the living history farm we visited (had a little trouble uploading photos this morning) and a new picture of Bailey.

Yes, she has the all-clear and is heartworm free! While they'll retest in a few months, for now all looks good and she's LOVING her freedom to run, jump, and play again! 

It's been a long 4 months of "house arrest" as we called it, and while lounging around in a darkened room watching relaxing, anti-anxiety videos for dogs (so glad there even is such a thing) was nice I'm sure, I know she's so happy to be back to her regular routine.

Thanks so much to all of you who sent her good wishes and asked how she was doing...it means a lot.

Enjoy the day friends, I'm off to continue to deep clean the basement (doesn't that sound FUN?)


  1. Your photos are absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! But that first one especially is positively magical. I'm so glad to hear Bailey has been given the all-clear and that you're enjoying a well-deserved respite from the oppressive heat. We had a downpour of rain on the evening/night of my son's wedding and then some cooler days but it's supposed to warm up again starting tomorrow (well, in the mid-to-upper 70's which is warm for Nod LOL). Going back now to drink in your beautiful snapshots for the 4th (or 5th?) time. ;-) ~Robin~

  2. Such beautiful pictures. That's fantastic about Bailey. We are blessed with rain today and tomorrow and I'm so happy about it! Hoping all is well!

  3. Great photos. I felt like I was there with you :)
    Enjoy your autumn weather xx


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