Welcome to an 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

short & sweet...

I'm two days late for National Dog Day...but with the most recent post rant still on my mind, I had to share this:


I'll get a jump on World Animal Day, October 4

and National Cat Day, October 29th.

National Animal Rescue Day was May 20th and
World Stray Animal Day, April 4th

fill in the blank with any critter!

A quote worth remembering...be worthy of their devotion.



  1. Worthy of their devotion indeed. Animals have always been such a huge part of my life and I've been changed in positive ways for being blessed with them also being a part of my adult life. Love your photos.

    1. That’s so sweet to read - we do become changed. As I’ve heard before, who rescued who?

  2. Gorgeous photos :)
    Life would be so empty without our beloved pets.

  3. It's never too late. Every day should be a National Animal Day. Xx

  4. Awww! Beautiful words, beautiful sentiments, and beautiful animals. If we could all only strive to be worthy of their devotion, the world would be a much better - and softer - place. ~Robin~

  5. Oh Robin I do like that - softer. Isn’t that so true? Softer, kinder, gentler-the world desperately needs those qualities.


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