Yesterday was the kind of day we long for in mid-winter...the sun was shining, birds were singing, and I was able to work outside without a coat, it was 47 degrees! It was an ideal day to prepare for the possible snowstorm coming our way...extra wood was stacked, the generator double-checked, and a few more groceries bought. It felt good at the end of the day to have things checked off the list and be prepared.
Contrast that with today...we're presented with a bleak gray light and a cold rain that chills us to the core. It doesn't help that our newly repaired furnace is off because our propane tank is empty. I have called the company 6 times to have it filled...the most polite thing I can say, is that their customer service is sorely lacking, and I am VERY cranky.
However; this just came across our local alert system:
* WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 7 to
12 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. North winds
gusting as high as 30 mph.
Heaviest snow expected Thursday afternoon and evening.
Snowfall rates may approach one inch per hour.
Oh joy, rapture...something in my pioneer spirit longs to be snowed in! We're ready, and even if we lose power (ice here can bring down power lines so easily) we have oil lamps, candles, board games, and a fireplace to cook in and to keep us warm. And with the groundhog seeing his shadow, it appears that winter will linger...let's at least make this an event!
And so I am off to get cozy and settle in for the evening...whatever will be, will be as the old
Doris Day song goes.
Leaving you with a few pictures of what's caught my eye this week...
images in the snow...impressions of bird wings (no feathers in sight, so perhaps a little snow dance?) |
another wing pattern... |
not sure of this one...I'm guessing still more wing patterns. |
end of the day... |
on a nearby road...wonder if it's for sale? Why? |
because I'm crazy about this!