Does anyone actually
enjoy taking down the Christmas tree? It's hard to gather any enthusiasm about the undecorating. Still beautiful (a concolor white fir will stay fresh for many weeks) we jokingly ponder leaving it up year 'round. In February, we could add Valentine ornaments, only to replace them with Easter bunnies. Come July we'd move on to flags, then add pumpkins in October, and finally circle back around to Christmas.
Hmmm, maybe a change of attitude? This year, as we remove the ornaments and tuck them safely away, it's a fine time for reflection.
one brought back from a honeymoon in Hawaii
a pickle ornament reviving an old German custom
one from a dear friend
the summer our son couldn't eat enough watermelon
and our daughter's love of buttery popcorn
however, the best-loved ones are made by little hands,
always to be cherished
And as the last ornament is packed away, it's a perfect time to think about this new year and what we'll do with the time ahead.
Yes, please bless our friends & family...and this farm.