Welcome to an 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Sunday, March 09, 2025

playing catch-up!


Happy March to all - I hope you’re enjoying a restful and quiet day. I’m falling behind in posting, but I’ve been catching up with all of your adventures! Where does the time go…how can it be March?! 

I’ve spent some days trying new bread recipes (any tips on how to make sourdough less dense and heavy??) I’m still sorting, cleaning, plotting and planning! 

My daughter gave me the prettiest Valentine’s Day flowers, and as of last night, my son’s home from college for Spring break - Happy Dance all around!

I’ve always tried to keep Sunday a quiet day - one to unwind from the previous week, and recharge for the week to come. Right now I’m by the fire with a cup of herbal tea, planning the week’s menus…now, that is NOT usually what I do! I’m very much a “fly by the seat of my pants” person when it comes to the question: “What’s for dinner?”

But, I am planning today - is it just me, or when someone comes home - or leaves for that matter, it’s all about food? Cooking favorites, baking sweet treats, and then sending them out the door with more than they could possibly eat seems to be the norm for me (and by the way - where on Earth did the years go?) 

A couple of quick MaryJanesFarm updates - my March post just went up if you’d like to swing by:

And MaryJane is also having a book giveaway!
I’ll be randomly choosing 3 winners in July, so if you’d like to try and win this book, it’s easy-

Here’s the link for more details:

Just leave a comment at my MJF post telling me what your reverie is..it might be gardening, sewing, baking, making music, reading - there’s no wrong answer!

Well, I’m off to start a new book - the title to this little 4”x7” book caught my eye while I was in a local shop:

Published in 1925 - wow, 100 years ago. And since there are so many “haps and mishaps” around here, it looked perfect!

Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Like so much of the country, the farm is in the middle of winter’s grasp. While there’s only 4 inches of snow on the ground, the temperatures are single digits at night and when paired with the wind gusts, and hail, it’s been brutal.  

The power has been off twice today, so a fire is going and I just heated some water - I’d really like a small cast iron kettle made when the house was built, so the search is on (Janice, I’ll be looking for that gate mark on the bottom to make sure it’s truly old!)

I then filled a good, old-fashioned water bottle with the hot water…some things never go out of style. And it’s heart-shaped to boot, so that makes me smile!

Today’s plan is to sort through oodles of papers, catch up on scrap-booking, and make some sourdough bread. Someone shared their recipe, and it was really good, but it takes 24 hours start-to-finish so I better get moving.

Oh, and these bread loaves sell for $18 each at the farmers market.

Yes, $18! I can appreciate the work that goes into a loaf, but that seems a little steep to me - yikes! (OK, honestly, more than a little steep…this is a small town, not New York City.) And while I’m looking for new recipes to sell from the milk house, I just can’t see selling it anywhere near that price.

Drumroll please - today’s question for you:

What does the average-size round loaf of sourdough sell for in your area? 

Ok- off my soapbox! 

I hope wherever you find yourself you’re cozy, warm, comfortable, and enjoying February doing something that makes you happy!  


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

popping in to say "Hello!"

Hi to all, just a quick visit to say hello and hope you're all keeping warm! Happy to report the pipes thawed in about 12 hours with no bursting to clean up (yay!) and now I'm much more dedicated to making absolutely sure the dripping is equal in both hot and cold faucets.

We've had crazy weather, like most of you...twice now it's been hail and freezing rain paired with the loudest cracks of thunder; quite an odd combination. Bailey was curled up under blankets trying to block out as much of the thunder as she possibly could, while I was busy getting a fire started...ice on the power lines is a sure way for the electricity to go out here. And being the last house on the company's line, well, we're a low priority when it comes to restoring power. Ugh...luckily, it passed and all is well.

This month I tried my hand at homemade Pop-tarts (can I say that?) hmmm, okay, toaster pastries!  Not hard at all, and something I'll definitely sell from the milk house this year. 

I recently wrapped up my February MaryJanesFarm post...hop on over if you'd like to take a look:

I'm still trying to "power clean" as I call it, and with headphones on time passes so much easier. I've listened to the Laura Ingalls books and now I'm working my way through the Harry Potter ones. Found for free online, the audio-books have been a terrific way to make make tedious jobs go just a bit faster.

Well, that's it for today friends...hope all is well wherever you may be!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

-10F (or -23C) …. Brrr

When that third eye kicks in and wakes me up at 5 am - hmmm, the intuition that something is afoot, as Sherlock Holmes would say. 

Ahhh yes, kitchen pipes are frozen - I’m guessing I didn’t let the hot water faucet drip quite enough - completely preventable. 

There’s been a heater blowing under the dishwasher to keep the water supply line as warm as possible  - when it freezes the repair is almost as much as a new dishwasher  (yep-been there more than once.) Fingers crossed that won’t happen this time.

Off to warm up the kitchen! So on this frosty Wednesday morning,

this is what I see,

this is where I’m sitting,

this is what’s keeping me warm-a steaming cup of mint tea.

Oh, it could be much worse! 

So I’ll just spend the day in the kitchen keeping an eye on things - I’ve been wanting to test making homemade Pop-tarts®️ to sell in the “not-shop”  -  this seems like as good a day as any to try.

In the meantime, I’m thinking it’s perfectly acceptable to have a s’more for breakfast; what do you think?

Friday, January 17, 2025


Well January has come in with an icy blast! Like so many of you we have sparkling snow paired up with swirling frosty air. 

There have been deer in the backyard, scurrying raccoons and possums, and so many birds at the feeders – such a variety of beautiful colors along with their endless chatter! 

A dear friend gifted me with this terrific cowboy/chuck wagon coffee pot - I promptly filled it with birdseed, making it so much easier to tote outside to fill feeders rather than trying to lug a big bag -  I love it!

The power has stayed on and the pipes haven’t frozen - knock wood, as the old saying goes…oops, did I just jinx myself?!

However, this is coming in the next few nights – very low temperatures for here, with a predicted wind chill of -25 degrees F. 

Today feels like the calm before the storm - it’s sunny and 38° F…down right balmy! For the first time in ages, the space and propane heaters are off and the dishwasher is getting a much needed break. I’m doing laundry, the wood bin in the kitchen has been filled, and later Bailey and I will take a walk back to the woods to stretch our legs and get some fresh air. There’s nothing more to be done - bring it on Old Man Winter - I accept your challenge!  

To stay in the wintry mood, I’ve just finished Laura Ingalls’ The Long Winter – now I’ve moved on to her next book. I found the audiobooks online, so with headphones on I’m listening as I go about my Domestic Goddess chores 😉.

In the evenings, I’m reading the first Harry Potter book and my daughter and I have been watching all of the Star Wars movies – nope, I have never seen all of them. It’s been a wonderful way to spend these long, dark evenings while there are no outdoor jobs to tend to. 

Last week I wrapped up my latest MaryJane’s Farm post. You can find it here if you’d like to take a look:  Rural Farmgirl

Well, that’s the latest from here…if Winter weather is coming your way, I hope you are safe and warm. And if you are West where the wildfires are, know that there are thoughts and prayers for you.  

Friday, January 10, 2025

here comes the snow!

Happy New Year to all! 

I've been catching up on blogs...thanks so much for sharing your holidays with all of us. From decorating, to food, to adventures outdoors, it's been wonderful to see how everyone has spent their days!

A quick catch up from here...

Christmas found me baking (and eating way too much!) Enjoying twinkling lights, secret surprises, and movie marathons.

New ornaments found their way on the tree,


and I always laugh as I hide the pickle ornaments!

The kids look for them and then when the ornaments are found, the reward is a silly gift. In years past it's been a board game, last year it was Elf Sundae glasses and all the sweet treats to make sundaes, this year they received giant gift bags filled with their favorite salty snacks.

My son had the terrific idea of playing Clue by candlelight...it was fun!

And we were in awe of the many over-the-top decorated cars & trucks we saw:


Most days Bailey was found curled up under blankets just taking it all in.

Which leads us to today...
the power was out twice this week, and flickered last night. There's nothing like getting a weather alert this morning that reads:

Winter Weather Advisory:

Severity: Possible threat to life or property
Action Recommended: Evacuate a pre-planned activiy as instructed.
Urgency: take action within the next hour

Like so many of you, a look at the weather radar and wow, it's coming our way! 

Firewood stacked? - check
Candles/oil lamps ready? - check
Propane tanks for portable heater? - check
Extra blankets for outdoor critters? - check
Batteries charging? - check

And while there is a certain charm to old farmhouses, there is also a routine for this old house that falls into place like clockwork that's not so charming. While being surrounded by open fields is oh-so pretty to look at and enjoy, with no nearby treeline to block the wind, Old Man Winter will find his way into every nook & cranny.

Kitchen taps need to drip to prevent freezing
Dishwasher running to prevent those lines from freezing
Dryer vent plugged with cotton batting to keep the cold wind out of the laundry room, which freezes the washer lines
Water stored in the basement - (a 30 and a 60-gallon tank) no city water here!

I'm not sure how much insulation good old plaster really provides. And yes, a whole-house generator would be fabulous; however, not in the budget at this time (and oh my, have you seen the price of propane lately, yikes!)

That's okay, time to channel my inner Laura Ingalls...tonight I think I'll re-read The Long Winter and sit by the fire.

Hoping you're warm, cozy, and safe if the snow's blowing your way!


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Happy Christmas Eve!


My December post for MaryJane’sFarm happens to have a publishing date of today – perfect!

You can read my Christmas Eve post here.

Blessings to you all.

Friday, December 20, 2024

enjoying the days...


The countdown is on, friends...and I hope you've been enjoying each day of December doing what brings you joy, laughter, and peace at this special time of year. When the kids were little, they would say, "Do what makes your heart happy." and you know what, it stuck...we still say that.

So I pass that childlike wisdom along...do what makes your heart happy!

For me, it's been pulling out favorite ornaments, some handed down, some made by little hands, and decorating the tree with only those.

I wanted to keep things really simple...these little elves were made with the very bottoms of table or chair legs - I'm not sure how old they are, but each year they make me smile.

On the old Boone cupboard, I keep the tambour door raised and each season change what can be seen...again, it's simple. A rusty snowflake lantern, an old recipe book with a gingerbread man, vintage jingle bells, and door hooks I found in the barn. Nothing special really, but just a little holiday spirit and glow.

I've always wanted one of these (I have no idea why, is it just me or do you sometimes simply find things that catch your eye?) 

It's an old Campfire Marshmallows tin from the 1920's...yep, rusty and worn, but now it's holding s'more goodies by the fire. (yes, yes, a little gift to me, from me...I just may be on the naughty list now!)

My son's home from college and as my daughter always says, "The balance has been restored!"  We're enjoying favorite movies, eating cookies, sleeping in, and I'm hearing whispers of secret surprises. We're also laughing about the kittens first Christmas...they are quite a handful!

I was recently asked what we named them...Poppy, Salem, Charlie, and Lola. Poppy is just a sweet name I like, Salem is all black so it seemed to be a good choice to choose the name, Salem Saberhagen -  a black cat on a TV show, Charlie and Lola was an animated British show the kids loved watching when they were young!

I've been trying to avoid the frenetic pace that often comes with this time of year. Taking it slow, trying to plan ahead...be in the moment...not miss it.

Are the Christmas cards mailed? Nope...and that's okay. They're on tomorrow's to-do list, maybe I'll just make them Happy New Years cards, why not?!

Thank you for stopping by here and at MaryJanesFarm...I appreciate you visiting to see what's happening in my little corner of the world. I know your days are busy...it's been wonderful finding so many kindred spirits.

I hope all is well where you are...enjoy every day as each one counts down toward Christmas!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Thanksgiving wishes…

So thankful for your friendship across the miles and down the road.

May you have a Thanksgiving day filled with sweet memories and traditions. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024


How can it only be a few days before Thanksgiving – wasn’t it just Halloween?!

The countdown is on, and this year I’m determined to keep it simple and have an old-fashioned Thanksgiving (at least that’s the plan!)

My November MaryJane’s Farm post is now online if you want to see what I’m up to, as the old saying goes, “in my neck of the woods!”

Just click here



Thursday, November 21, 2024

Camera roll catch-up…

It’s a rainy Wednesday in my part of the world-windy, 40°, gray skies – a typical Midwest November. But truly, I can’t complain, we’ve had a lovely Fall – most days have been warm, sunny, and beautiful. 

Even after several frosts, the Swiss Chard is still happily growing in the garden.

And don’t let anyone tell you that potatoes from the grocery store that have sprouted in your kitchen can’t be planted in your garden – because they absolutely can!

I just thought this photo was pretty, as well as a bit mysterious-looking, it's what’s left after the leaves drop from a clematis bloom. 


And this is the moon coming up – honestly NO filters were used. I have no clue as to why it photographed looking so eerie! 


I truly think these are little fairies dancing in the autumn sun…


The field corn for this year is:





And this is the daily scene as harvest winds up - a lesson in patience as equipment slowly moves from field to field. No room for passing this fella!


Bailey ready for her first walk in 4 months after her heartworm treatment…

and Bailey after her walk!


This pumpkin is from last year! The variety is called Hot Chocolate and I’m amazed it’s in such fantastic condition - you’d never know it’s not from this season. Last year I simply set it on a shelf in the basement where it happily lived until a few weeks ago. I’m going to try my luck again with a couple more I bought this year. It's heavy, so it's not dried out inside...no seeds to be heard when I shake it, but I do hope it dries and stays just like this.


And last but not least, my daughter and I went on a girls weekend to Taylor Swift’s final Eras Tour concert! Tickets were bought over 15 months ago - August of 2023 so, as the song says, "It’s been a long time coming!" 

We had the best time...it was a beautiful drive through farmland, perfect weather, and as always, my daughter is the best navigator, music coordinator, and snack distributor! 

Car decked out -

Friendship Bracelets made (93 to be exact!) -

Photo op outside the Marriott Hotel - 


And then to our seats!

We had such a fun time - friendly crowds and a concert that lasted 3-1/2 hours with no breaks. So thrilled that she invited me to go with her - a night to always be remembered! 

Well, that's the latest from my corner of the world...hope all is well wherever you may be!

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