Friday photos of winter in the heartland...and what a winter it's been!
Ice everywhere...
a snow-covered dinner bell...
in July this tree will be covered with mulberries!
and soon sheets will be drying in the summer breeze
somewhere under all the snow are cold frames that will be filled with lettuce, spinach, and cilantro
and this vintage sink will be full of garden veggies just waiting to be rinsed
and so it goes...
Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE's a much needed break from planting, tilling, trimming, weeding, mowing, mulching, mucking and all the other summertime chores. Chores that seem to come on the hottest, most humid of days.
Now is the time for our bodies and spirits to unwind and relax...and that's just fine with me. Flannel sheets, thick socks, chocolaty cocoa, snow ice cream, old movies, good books, and warm fires. And did I mention the kids had 5 days in a row off from school thanks to Mother Nature?
Even with the sub-zero temperatures, frozen washer pipes, and the day both trucks had batteries that failed, I have to say, yep, life is still good.
Wherever you are, I hope you're warm & cozy!