Welcome to an 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

-10F (or -23C) …. Brrr

When that third eye kicks in and wakes me up at 5 am - hmmm, the intuition that something is afoot, as Sherlock Holmes would say. 

Ahhh yes, kitchen pipes are frozen - I’m guessing I didn’t let the hot water faucet drip quite enough - completely preventable. 

There’s been a heater blowing under the dishwasher to keep the water supply line as warm as possible  - when it freezes the repair is almost as much as a new dishwasher  (yep-been there more than once.) Fingers crossed that won’t happen this time.

Off to warm up the kitchen! So on this frosty Wednesday morning,

this is what I see,

this is where I’m sitting,

this is what’s keeping me warm-a steaming cup of mint tea.

Oh, it could be much worse! 

So I’ll just spend the day in the kitchen keeping an eye on things - I’ve been wanting to test making homemade Pop-tarts®️ to sell in the “not-shop”  -  this seems like as good a day as any to try.

In the meantime, I’m thinking it’s perfectly acceptable to have a s’more for breakfast; what do you think?


  1. Oh bummer on the frozen pipes! I hope the dishwasher line doesn't freeze. We've been wicked cold too... -30º to -40º windchills...actual temps of -25º. Thankfully, it is warming enough today to bring snow (not thankful for the snow, but that it's actually warm enough again to snow.) And, finally, after almost 2 weeks (3 service calls and 3 different technicians), my heat is again working properly. It.feels.SOOOO.GOOD! But your lovely fireplace and your perch beside it looks so cozy and definitely more picturesque. And, yes...yes, I believe it is definitely acceptable to have a s'more breakfast. I had shortbread cookies topped with wonderful Belgian chocolate.... ;-) Stay warm, stay cozy, my friend. ~Robin~

    1. Oh my word Robin - actual temps of -25! Is it always like that in winter there? So so glad you have heat - what a nightmare of a worry with temps and windchills like those. It may be picturesque but it’s not really warm unless I’m sitting in front of the fire - needless to say not much is getting done today. Giving myself grace - right?! I’m going to try making those Pop-tarts now - maybe a little movement will warm me up - dancing in the kitchen perhaps? Grabbing my headphones! Oh, and your breakfast sounds spot on for a snowy day - great minds, as they say! Curl up in all that warmth with a good book until you doze off - perfection.

  2. tasty breakfast lol.
    stay warm we are brutal cold also the fireplace feels lovely in the eveyings.

    1. Hee hee - the joy of being adults, eat what we want!! The fireplace is wonderful, it would be so nice to have one in our family room, but it’s just not big enough for that. The water just came back on - whee ha! Sounds like you’re terrifically cozy, you keep warm as well - s’more’s anyone?

  3. Oh my word. I don’t know how y’all do it with those frigid temps. We are complaining about having overnight temps in the teens. So grateful for our fireplace.
    Heck yeah, whatever food comforts you during this brutal winter.
    Sending you and your readers a warm hug! daisy

    1. Thanks Daisy! It’s not usually this cold - I read that Robin is at -25 in Wisconsin! Remind me about this when I’m complaining during summer’s heat and humidity. Nothing like 5 kittens and Bailey to keep me warm!


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