Welcome to an 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Monday, July 29, 2024

This and that at the farm…

These late July days have been so much more comfortable than when the month began. Early mornings and late evenings seem almost fall-like…even cool enough that I found myself wishing I’d worn long sleeves as I walked around the county fair Thursday!

Just like everyone, I find the days full and wonder how the hours have slipped by. In a little over two weeks my son will return to college and Friday my daughter will be back - yay! She’s been an RA at a ballet company for the last 7 weeks. Sigh….for a short time, the balance will be restored. 

So, how have I been spending my days? Well, here’s a little peek at a not-so-interesting, but typical day!

I’ve been watering (we really could use some rain)


picking berries,

enjoying watermelon,

sharing that watermelon with Glowbug,


and Lucy…a summer treat to keep them cool!

Lucy is the last of the hens, and while I wanted to get chicks this year, I just didn’t think this lady would appreciate a coop of littles and their noisy antics. 

She rarely leaves her seat at the top of the ladder, so I moved her food and water up to make it easier. The queen of the coop deserves spoiling. 


Bailey is still under “house arrest” having had her first injection for heartworms…she’s doing well. The goal is to keep her quiet and chase cabin fever away with calming music and videos. She has two more injections in August. 

My good friend is fostering baby raccoons!

Two weeks ago a crop duster came waaay too close for comfort…what started out as interesting to see, turned into an experience where we could smell the chemicals and feel them as they drifted down. And we were not beneath the plane – this was drift - quite scary. 


All I could think of was, what about the children who are playing outside, what if we were having a graduation party or get-together with friends? We had no idea crop dusting was scheduled..

Why yes, I will be contacting the FAA.
And finally, on a trip to the grocery store I found this:


Happy dance in the aisle! Over-the-moon, tickled pink, just can’t quite believe it…my article in MaryJane’s Farm August-September issue! So grateful to have been given such an opportunity.

Well friends, that’s a little of what’s been happening in my “neck of the woods” as the old saying goes. What 's happening where you are?

I hope all is well and that you are enjoying these summertime days!


Sunday, July 14, 2024

falling behind in posting!

Time flies, as they say, and it's so true! I've enjoyed keeping up with all the blogs I follow...your summer days are flying by as well filled with gardening, patriotic celebrations, and happy things!

And so, I must play catch-up...as they say, "Without further ado!"

winter wheat:  going, going, gone

but the corn is still 
growing strong 

Barnum is such a handsome
fellow, but still so shy...

Bailey celebrated her birthday!

Hmmm, looks like she's
sticking her tongue out, 
perhaps not a fan of party hats!

Fireworks across the
fields in a nearby town

The prettiest blue skies
by a lovely old barn

a mama looking 
quite protective...I kept
my distance!

summertime harvest!

I painted an old faux fireplace
and put it in the milkhouse...

no, a milkhouse wouldn't
have had a fireplace, but this
doomed to the trash and it
just needed 

It was fun to decorate
for the "not shop, shop"

being watched...

posies to help me forget
it's a sweltering summer day

and lastly, an old building
alongside a country road...
it just needed to be remembered

Well, that about catches you up on how I've spent my days. While certainly not exciting by Hollywood standards, the days are simple...trying to hold onto old-fashioned values in a hectic, modern world.

I hope you're all well, keeping cool (unless it's winter where you are, then keeping warm) and you're spending a bit of time each day doing something you love that makes you happy.

Let's make tomorrow a red-letter day!

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