Welcome to an 1864 farmhouse…life is good!

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

shifting focus...

In reading your blogs, I'm always inspired by what you're doing wherever you are in the world...all across the United States, to Great Britain, and to New Zealand. Whether it's outings on the fells, cozy family get-togethers at the lake, clever cupboardscapes that change with the seasons, or inspiration for simple living and homesteading, I always learn something new.

All of your wonderful blogs have me now shifting focus, working harder to settle into a more observant phase of life...as the song says,

"Breathe before your breath runs out.
This is life don't miss it." 

Yes, there's always work to do, but there's also a need to enjoy the small & simple things. I remember hearing once that we all get caught up thinking real life is just a little farther down the road...enjoy the season you are in.

As the photos scroll by on my video below, listen closely to the words: the song is Don't Miss It sung by Francesca Battistelli.

You'll see snapshots of life on the farm, the pumpkin patch, snippets from a mother-daughter weekend road trip, and other seemingly small things...

things that are much more important
 than their simplicity might suggest.

Thanks to all of you who inspire me...I wish we were neighbors!


  1. So very true~ I like FB, she can sing!

  2. what a lovely slide show. Enjoy life as it comes don't wait

  3. That was beautiful! And that sky!!! Amazing. And precious Bailey! 💗 We can all use reminders to slow down and enjoy the simple things, especially at this time of the year when the time seems to pass so quickly. Hugs to you!

  4. Such a lovely post and slide show! Yes.....enjoy each day and make something good of it! Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving

  5. Lovely. Sometimes we just need a little reminder. Xx

  6. I agree - those simple little things are the best and so important. And I have to say I loved the snapshot of the kitty drinking from the watering can :)

  7. Lady Locust - you're so right. One of my favorite songs is "This is the stuff" it so describes my days!

  8. Cathy - "don't wait" are such wise words, boy it flies by; doesn't it?

  9. Staci - awww, thanks for mentioning Bailey, we hit the "dog lottery" when she came into our lives!

  10. Eggs in my Pocket - you're spot on, make something of every day. Even if it's something little...a good reminder, thank you.

  11. Jules - you give me reminders in each of your posts! You seem to always be enjoying the small and simple things in life...thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Margaret - thanks, that's Azzie, who always thinks water I used for flowers tastes better than his own!

  13. I so enjoyed your video...what great photos! Especially those sweet puppies!!:)

  14. Hi Jennifer - thanks for stopping by, awww, thanks...we love our Bailey, we hit the dog rescue lottery with her! Looking forward to visiitng your blog!

  15. Mary - thanks for jumping over to my blog:) I am so intrigued by a pie with cinnamon rolls as the crust. I have to search for that! And just wanted to say...cacan't believe your sweet pup is BAILEY!!:) My heart is melting. Our granddog was Bailey. The sweetest (rescue) pitbull on the planet....and stealer of our hearts. We had to say goodbye to her back in July. Still missing her so much.

  16. Awww thanks Jennifer...I shared the recipe, hope you like it! And what a coincidence about our Baileys! Absolutely true about rescues...she is the sweetest, gentlest, most loving dog...never has she growled or snapped at anyone. Of the many dogs I've known over the years, she really stands out. So glad she found us!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!

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