Monday, September 04, 2023

a quick catch-up...

This is the time of year that has a busyness all its own, and can only mean one thing: harvest time! This week the days will be spent in the kitchen prepping, canning, and freezing tomatoes and peppers.

If you're like me, and you find yourself with oodles of tomatoes, here's an Oven Roasted Tomato Sauce recipe I use that is quick, and so easy, just click: here.

And because I always seem to need tomato sauce for chili, I'm keeping it super-simple this year:  I'm just cutting the stem end off of tomatoes, quartering, and then tossing the quarters in the blender - no peeling!  After they're blended, I put them in the slow cooker, add some salt to taste, and let simmer several hours until they've thickened into a nice sauce. Truly, it couldn't be easier!

I had some baked goods left from the "not shop, shop" a couple of weeks ago, so I called a friend that loves old-fashioned bartering as much as I do...

A visit to her farm found us catching up, which is always great, while seeing all the sweet farm animals she has.

Meet Ferdinand!

His mom, Annie, shares her wonderful milk with us...which became the best chocolate ice cream.

My friend also sent us home with butter, cream, homemade mozzarella, dozens of eggs, and cabbage...what a blessing to be able to trade goods!

The cabbage was put into fermentation jars to become's a favorite of mine, but I've never made it before, so I'm anxious to see how it comes out. 

She has the prettiest views from her farm...

and the drive there, is beautiful as well.

This is what the blue, super moon looked like from our little corner of the world...well, as best as it could be captured with my was truly gorgeous as we were driving home at dusk.

And lastly, this was a view my daughter captured on our travels. It felt so vintage and classic Heartland to me, I wanted it to be black & white:

Thanks for visiting...wherever you find yourselves, have a great week!


  1. My friend, I wish I could hop inside one of those photos and visit with you! I would love to spend some time learning all the things you wrote about. I love that you and your friend share the fruits of your labor. The images you shared are indeed right out of a movie, I believe. Thank you for showing part of your world!!!! P.S. The sauce? Sounds amazing!

    1. The sauce is super-easy...definitely worth a try if you find yourself with extra tomatoes. And yes, hop in a photo and we'll go on a road trip!

  2. Thanks Billie's always so nice to see you stop by. I truly appreciate "talking" with another mom who is so inspiring when it comes to keeping homes cozy and family close. I feel that's not easy to do in what seems to be a face-paced, hectic, even sometimes selfish world...thanks for your example!

  3. Ferdinand is beautiful Jersey. Have always loved this breed. How wonderful to trade goods with someone else. Win win for everyone. Great recipe. I had never heard of freezer jars. I always just canned. Will need to look into this more as it seems much easier. Thanks for sharing. Janice

    1. A Jersey is on my wish list...please, please, please...oh, those long, long eyelashes! And yes, my friend is a true homesteader...milking cows, shearing sheep, she does it glad to benefit from her extras that she's so willing to share. And freezer jars make preserving so easy...I guess as long as the power stays on!

  4. I love that you were able to barter those sacred gifts! What a beautiful farm she has.
    Enjoy all of the bounty!

    1. Hi's great to have someone who so willing shares what I know was hard work to achieve. I felt like I'd hit the lottery on the way home - gallons of fresh milk, mozzarella made that day, at least two dozen sticks of butter !

  5. Such lovely photos! A part of the country that I seem to only be able to dream about! And what fun to barter and show the bounties and goodness each of you have! And to meet Ferdinand!!:)

    1. Thanks're around DC; right? That would be a bustling spot compared to here! But if you're dreaming of room to roam and even a few chickens, never stop making wishes - you just never know what the future may bring!

  6. Such beautiful photos. What a wonderful friend to have - bartering is the best, isn't it? I bet your home smells amazing between the baking and the preserving! Enjoy the harvest and preservation season!

  7. Where to start oh How I love the barter system. And the dairy products sound heavenly.

    1. Hi Cathy, my friend thought of it when she had extra milk...selling raw milk isn't allowed in Ohio, but she can give it away, or as we do trade...perfect! I think it would be good if we revived this old-fashioned idea even for bigger things!

  8. Hi Mary. What gorgeous photos, and I loved reading about your Fall Harvest goings-on. Mxx


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