Sunday, August 27, 2023

looking at the small things...

It was 47 degrees one morning when Bailey and I first went outside, and in the evening I can now hear crickets...a sign that Fall is on its way! 

Along with cooler temperatures and the songs of crickets, something else I notice this time of year are spider webs...lots of intricate and, to me, beautiful ones.

I thought I'd share these snapshots with son noticed this early in the morning; hopefully, you can see the long trail, as it's somewhat hidden in the leaves.

It had to be 40-50 feet long! We can only imagine the little gal or fella who made this took a leap of faith from high in the tree, and swinging on the breeze, landed in this spot. 

And from the looks of the tangled knots, they wanted to know it was secure!

I'll start you at what I'm guessing was the end of the adventure, as that's what we noticed first:

And not that I'm crazy about spiders, but this was another instance of accidently discovering the small things. 

I thought the flowers were so pretty with the morning dew on them, so I began to zoom in closer...

Another little gal or fella snoozing in the flower fold...with the drop of water, it just made me smile.


  1. Am not a fan of spiders, but their webs are works or art indeed. I noticed this evening a bunch of them as the sun was setting. Guess I should have taken pics of them. Oh well. Lovely flower. Love the color. Janice

    1. they don't bother me as long as they keep their distance! I'm just amazed at this one's adventure...wonder if that long swing in the breeze bothered him at all?!

  2. So amazing! What feats of strength and fastidiousness it took to create those masterpieces! Gorgeous shots. It really is the little things that matter.

    1. Daisy - I agree, how they create such webs is amazing to me. So glad my son saw it...and honestly, before I walked into it!

  3. Hello, my friend! Yes, the very first signs of fall are arriving here in Pennsylvania too! I absolutely love your photos of the spider webs. I am so inspired by you to slow down and look at the world! The flower photos are stunning as well. Have a cozy evening!!!

    1. It's been a perfect weather week here in Ohio it and want it to last for ages! by the way, LOVE your etsy slippers!

  4. That little spider is quite the weaver and jumper! How lovely your flowers look!

    1. Thanks so are slowing down, but some have really put on a show this month. It helps me to know what to plant next year...and what to pass on!

  5. Replies
    1. Amazing little critters that's for sure...almost like a little bungee jumping for fun!


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