Sunday, September 24, 2023

organized chaos!

 Yes, that's exactly how I would describe the state of the kitchen right now!

If you were to pop in for a visit, you would find every flat surface filled with canning jars, buckets of tomatoes and peppers, a water bath canner bubbling away, a jam & jelly maker whirring, stacks of jar lids, paper towels, spoons, pickling salt, lemon juice, vinegar, and oodles of other things. I even brought in an extra table (remember this one? ) I love this table and need to find a way to squeeze it in the kitchen. Oh, and no, I will not be sharing pictures of the organized chaos.

Since my oven was built in 1950, I hesitate to have her on for the hours and hours that it takes to water bath and preserve food. Last year I picked up the Ball Fresh Tech Electric Water Bath Canner (here) and I absolutely love it. It does take the water a bit of time to boil, but while the water's heating up, I can sterilize my jars inside. I also have the Ball Jam & Jelly Maker (here) and I love it as tackles the constant stirring so I can step away from the stove and focus on something else.  The only con is the recipes are tailored for the maker, and the yield is small: about 4, 8-oz. jars. It cools 30 minutes between batches though, and I've found that works just fine for me...I can prep another bit of jam to go in and the 30 minutes goes by quickly. I haven't tinkered with doubling recipes, but that could be on the winter to-do list. And so, if you're thinking about either one, I can highly recommend them both.

Well, this is a quick visit to say hi - tomorrow I'll be corralling the clutter in the kitchen and making Firecracker Pepper Jam. In the meantime, since I'm not sharing kitchen pictures (trust me, it's better this way), I'll leave you with some photos from the farm as well as some of the surrounding farms.

Plus, a quote and artwork by two of my favorite people...

Art credit: Susan Branch


  1. You do not want to see my kitchen table either. It is full of Christmas stuff. Yes Christmas. When my mom was here last week she could not even drink her coffee on it. I had to bring in a little table for her by my chair so she could enjoy her pumpkin spiced flavor. Canned goods are always the best and I have not canned in years. Maybe when I retire will get back into it again. Maybe you can share for bounty in another post. Janice

    1. I saw Christmas decorations in our local feed store makes me anxious! But you must work makes perfect sense. Canning is good because I know what's in it, but what a long, process. And for me...messy! (oh I just LOVE it when I see magazines or posts where the perfect mom is canning and the kitchen is spotless - that is not reality, well, at least for me!

  2. Hello, my friend! Ok. So I need to come and hang out with you in your kitchen and learn from you! Thank you for the beautiful photos of your beautiful world. Happy fall!

    1. Oh Billie Jo, you can do it! Tackle something small first...the jams are so simple with the jam maker, and you don't have to can can just pop them in the freezer! Thanks for stopping...I know your'e oh so busy with the move, can't wait to see more!

  3. Dear Mary, I just popped in to say hi. After such a long absence from my blog I am back again. Thank you for popping by and leaving a reassuring comment. It is nice to know that you were thinking of me.

    You are so organised. I cannot imagine being so busy with a harvest. Your kitchen must smell delicious! It is the beginning of Spring here in New Zealand and we have moved house. No more land to enjoy, just a 1/3 of an acre of garden now, but we are loving it :) Hope to catch up with you again soon. Hugs, Rose x

    1. Hi Rose, I was so happy to see your post...yay! I know, posting when there's a lot going on takes time...sometimes, the days just get too short and too busy. It'll be great to catch up with what you're doing - I just stopped by! And you're more than welcome...thank you for stopping here, too. And truly...the kitchen does NOT look organized...I know where things are, but no one else would! Time for a deep clean soon!

  4. Glorious photos!
    Your kitchen may be a sight, but just remember that it represents abundance!
    Thank you for the canner info. I've been thinking about learning to can, but with our glass top stove, it isn't possible.
    Enjoy your week!

    1. Thanks's a good reminder, to be grateful for the abundance to preserve. I made enough hot pepper jelly to last years...fewer plants next summer. Or perhaps Christmas gifts! And yes, the canners are good...I think you'll like them. Start with something simple - freezer jam is super easy, and I'll share my "cheating" way to making tomato sauce next time!

  5. If there is chaos to be had, then yours sounds like the very best and most delicious kind. Xx

    1. You always leave the kindest words and thoughts, Jules...thank you so much.

  6. Now who only makes 4 small jars of anything? 😂 Love G Taber and your photos would make a great calendar. Have a happy winding down to canning season - I hear you on the kitchen.

    1. That is so true! And there have been grumblings about only 4 jars, but I guess, for me, it's worth the payoff of letting it do all the stirring, nothing burns. And Gladys Taber is such a good author...working my way through her book about Stillmeadow. Thanks for your kind words...the garden is about ready to be put to bed, I'm looking forward do it!

  7. I can imagine your kitchen! But the satisfation is well worth it :)

    1. It sounds like you've been there, Margaret! Late night moping up the sticky floors last night. I just roll my eyes and soldier on, as they say. When I'm all done, it'll get a good, deep cleaning...what's the point now?!

  8. Chaos perhaps but I bet it smells absolutely delicious! Beautiful photos.

    1. hee hee...only if you like hot peppers! Sooo many jars, guess what I'll be giving as Christmas gifts?!

  9. Nothing like beautiful farm photos to make my afternoon!! Just lovely -

    1. Oh thanks Jennifer...everything is starting to turn to fall; trees, corn, soybeans, it really is my favorite time of year. I just couldn't live in a place without fall!

  10. A busy kitchen indeed! All of the hard work is worth it! Your farm photos are so lovely!

    1. Honestly, I just cleaned the last of the sticky "stuff" from the floor...jelly making, for me anyway, no matter how careful one is, always results in sticky stuff on the floor! I am throwing up the white flag...and putting the canning equipment away. Thanks for your kind scenery is always a favorite for me.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!