Tuesday, June 28, 2011

sweet words...

Yesterday morning Little Man said to me...

"I'll be your best friend forever...even when we're in heaven."

My heart melted...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sunday evening snapshots...

A scarecrow welcomes you to the garden...

hummingbirds have been visiting the feeder and hollyhocks...

Queen Anne's Lace...

more mulberries to turn into cobbler...

daylillies in bloom...
apple dumplings at day's end...

life is good.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

summertime discoveries...

The windows are up, the front doors are open, and the sweet scent of summer drifts in on a gentle breeze. The joyful scents of June...newly tilled earth in the garden and clover, are most welcome after last evening's heavy storms.

And while the rains were much-needed, they did make us pause and think twice about our picnic celebrating the longest day of the year. None-the-less, baskets were packed and sitting by the door as the rains fell, thunder pounded, and the weather radio sang out in the background.

As the storms became stronger and the sky darker, we pondered having a picnic in the family room...we've done that before and it's always been fun. Still, a peek of light to the west gave us a bit of hope, and we waited out the storms. Finally, by 8 p.m., we were in the car and heading to a picnic spot with a shelter house...just in case the storms returned.

And so was our summer solstice picnic...food, fun, and of course lots of puddles. Kids just can't seem to resist jumping in puddles. Those who have tagged along on our picnics when puddles are present know from first-hand experience it doesn't take long for kids to get wet & muddy. They ran, slid, jumped, climbed and soon were wet from top to bottom. A bit of a chilly breeze blew in and quickly they wrapped up in blankets and were in the car...time to head home.

So as today begins, I'm up and anticipating. Each day in June seems to bring something new. I've been fascinated watching the swallows rise, fall, then swoop across the yard, and then enjoyed settling in with the calm of evening that surrounds us. These simple pleasures are ours for the taking.

Let's enjoy every magical moment,
because June slips by too soon.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

a day on the farm...

mulberries ready to be picked...

hollyhocks in bloom...
"knee high by the 4th of July" so the saying goes,
but the corn is knee-high now!

happy hens...

guard dog on duty...

a curious cat...

sunset at the end of the day...

time for chasing fireflies!

Monday, June 13, 2011

clothespin jar...

Nothing starts my week off like a big load of laundry.
Seeing the lines filled with billowing clothes gives me an "everything's all right" feeling...another one of my favorite country pleasures.

Hanging laundry on a clothesline is easy and simple...
no dryer vent to clean, no buttons to push, no buzzers going off.
It gives me time to think. I'm sure I've solved the world's problems several times over while hanging clothes,
then folding them at day's end.

And the scent of sun-soaked sheets at bedtime...for me, there's no better way to sink into a peaceful night's sleep.

So, with all that said, let me share with you a handy-dandy,
ready-in-a-jiffy clothespin jar.

Begin by washing and drying a very large pickle jar.
A coat of rust-colored texture paint covers the writing on the lid, and a computer printed "Wash Day" tag (torn along the edges and lightly stained for an old look) is glued to the front of the jar.

Done...an oh-so tidy way to store those clothespins!

Friday, June 10, 2011

the fruits of our labor...

A small apple forms...

Blossoms will become blackberries...
Flowers in bloom...
Irresistible sweet treats...
Random photos indeed, but they make me smile.

A cool morning has me pondering what I want to be
"when I grow up" and asking if I'm on my way.
This quote comes to mind...

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.

You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go....

Dr. Seuss, Oh! The Places You'll Go!

Goals I had for this year:
   Fruit trees...check
   Berry bushes...check

Practical goals...
good goals...

However; school's out, and I get teary...the kids are growing too fast. So, with a clear head, what's my most important goal?   

Slowing down to enjoy every moment. One of my favorite hymns reminds me that "time flies on wings of lightning, we cannot call it back...and if we are not mindful the chance will fade away, for life is quick in passing, 'tis as a single day."

Today's agenda? Sure, some practical things like grocery shopping and laundry, but also playing in the tent and heading out for a hot air balloon festival tonight. I want to hear laughter and see smiles...it's all in a day's "work!"

Thursday, June 09, 2011

the dog days of spring?

What happened to the merry month of May? Where are
the breezy, sunny days we wish would never end?

Just for the record, 100 degrees is too hot for me...
that's what registered on the car thermometer as I brought the kids home from school yesterday.

This is before 7 a.m. and the heat seems to hang in the air.
  Our weather has changed from daily downpours and chilly temperatures (I actually put the flannel sheets back on in May!)  to blazing hot and humid. Dark clouds tease us with the promise of rain, but simply blow on by. Heavy rain in April and early May had so saturated the fields that temporary lakes formed and soon geese, along with seagulls, took up residence.

Finally, fields and yards began to dry out, and we were able to get our garden, berry bushes, and fruit trees planted. Now, with temperatures in the high 90's and no rain, it's time for hauling water and turning on sprinklers.

The corn in our field has grown quickly, but needs rain.
Hmmm, the up side to all this?

Well, if I'm gonna turn on sprinklers, that means we'll just have to run through them! Now that school is out, I'll have a couple more helpers who will be more than happy to water gardens and flowers...of course that means they'll "accidently" get wet!

Summer days slip away as quickly as sand through our fingers.  Yes, this year early June is very hot, but also ripe for inspiring daydreams, fun, and adventure. It's 7 a.m. and my watering for the day is done...when the kids are up, we'll put up the tent and start summer vacation off with a bang!

Friday, June 03, 2011

flower tour around the farm...

A little tour of the flowers in bloom around the farmhouse...

I found these old tubs in the barn
and decided they needed a second life outdoors.

The kids' fairy garden
(complete with a tire swing!)

I'm so glad I captured this peony one morning...
later the same day, winds from a passing storm
had blown the petals away.

This old rose hadn't bloomed in ages, until last year.
Now, it's blooming again...I'm so thrilled!

The herb garden right outside our kitchen door.
It's so handy when I'm cooking, baking herb bread,
or making herbal vinegars at summer's end.

Old-fashioned peonies are one of my favorite flowers.
These plants were rescued from an old farmhouse
that was being torn down.

A shady spot near our front door.
 Thanks for stopping by...
happy Friday!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

simple joys for June...

“Summer afternoon, summer afternoon;
to me those have always been the two most beautiful words
in the English language”
-Henry James
Dancing butterflies, the flash of a hummingbird, the low hum of buzzing bees are all signs that the earth has warmed, and is ready for Summer.

...it's time for the enchantment of twinkling fireflies
(or lightning bugs as they are also called.) Kids both big and little like chasing them around the yard (remember when you were a kid?), What magical fun!

...June is the month of strawberries! If you don't have your own berry patch, find a U-Pick strawberry field...what a terrific way to spend an afternoon! Then, it's time for strawberry shortcake,
ice cream, or berries dipped in melted chocolate.

...Bubbles are fun for kids of all ages, and it's oh-so easy to make homemade bubble liquid. Gently stir together: 6-cups hot water, 1/2-cup corn syrup, 1-cup clear dishwashing liquid. Have fun!

...create a secret garden in a corner of the yard, or make a fairy garden. Summertime is all about magic.

...Remember that June 21 is the Summer Solstice; the longest day of the year, so enjoy it! Have a picnic, cookout, sleep under the stars, or go to the park. Play games, light sparklers, let the kids put on a play or tell jokes. As it gets dark, hang a sheet and enjoy puppet shows...sweet memories in the making.

...when you plant a garden, save room for a pizza garden. Add basil, Roma tomatoes, green peppers, onions, hot peppers, any of your favorites!

...wear a straw hat, have a water fight, pitch a tent, visit the farmers' market, shop a flea market, nap in the shade.

Enjoy the Good Old Summertime!