Friday, June 03, 2011

flower tour around the farm...

A little tour of the flowers in bloom around the farmhouse...

I found these old tubs in the barn
and decided they needed a second life outdoors.

The kids' fairy garden
(complete with a tire swing!)

I'm so glad I captured this peony one morning...
later the same day, winds from a passing storm
had blown the petals away.

This old rose hadn't bloomed in ages, until last year.
Now, it's blooming again...I'm so thrilled!

The herb garden right outside our kitchen door.
It's so handy when I'm cooking, baking herb bread,
or making herbal vinegars at summer's end.

Old-fashioned peonies are one of my favorite flowers.
These plants were rescued from an old farmhouse
that was being torn down.

A shady spot near our front door.
 Thanks for stopping by...
happy Friday!


  1. Happy Weekend to you and your family, flowers are beautiful. I love peonies too!!

  2. I'm curious about the bee skep. Is it made of cement? I love the herb garden photo. It looks like your sage is blooming. It reminds me that I need to add a sage plant to the shopping list. I'd forgotten that ours didn't survive the winter.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Hi Patricia,

    Yes, the skep is made of concrete. I love the ones made of straw, but they always ended up being scratching posts for our cats...concrete solves that problem! And the sage is blooming like crazy...lots of rain, then lots of heat, the herbs are loving our weather! -Mary

  4. Your flowers are beautiful. I love the bee skep in the herb garden. I have a few herbs growing but am not very good at using them. Any bread recipes you care to share? I'm your newest follower

  5. Lovely Mary, I love how you re-purposed the old tubs! And of course, I'm still in love with that fairy garden, as much as ever. : )


  6. Love the old tubs, use to be able to find stuff like that at junk shops and fea markets, people are getting wise! Hang on to yours. Nice flowers too!

  7. so do you have bees making a home in the skep? Are those just to encourage pollination or can you harvest honey out of them? Just wondering. Love the homey look they add to the garden. Oh, and where do you find them?

  8. Your flowers are beautiful. And the fairy garden so sweet. :-)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!