Thursday, June 16, 2011

a day on the farm...

mulberries ready to be picked...

hollyhocks in bloom...
"knee high by the 4th of July" so the saying goes,
but the corn is knee-high now!

happy hens...

guard dog on duty...

a curious cat...

sunset at the end of the day...

time for chasing fireflies!


  1. All good things come to he who waits..looks like waiting through a long winter and a wet spring was worth it!

    My how those hens are growing!

  2. I love your pics of the farm. Great minds must think alike because I posted some of my farm pics today also hehe. Here's the post if you want to take a look

  3. I think you've missed your calling, Miss Mary -- you are a TERRIFIC photographer.

  4. That picture of corn brings back lots of happy memories!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!