Friday, November 04, 2022

Friday freebie!

So on the way to the "big city", I passed a cute little wicker chair on the side of the road...sitting next to a trash can, someone was tossing it out.

"Hmmm" I thought...wheels turning.

Now, I don't normally give roadside trash a second look...except, well I did, (click here) but you have to admit, snagging a free 1956 workhorse of a sewing machine like this was the find of the year!

Anyway, when I passed by a couple days later, it was still there...alas, no time to stop. I'd made up my mind though, if it was sitting there later in the day when I was on my way home, it was mine. 

And it was! I quickly made a bee-line for it...pulled in the drive, popped it in the back of the car, and yay, it was coming home with me!

I added a $2.00 pillow and soon I was smiling at my free find...sitting in the sunshine by the little kitchen garden, she makes me happy. Now, her seat is sitting in it, but still, she was just too cute to pass up!

So, have you ever found a freebie that was just too good not to come home with you?!


  1. She looks lovely. It's little wonder you just had to bring her home. X

  2.'s adorable! The cushion is perfect. 😉

  3. Nice find! And oh yes, many times. Once was a stack "green board" which is the sheetrock for bathrooms - saved me hundreds! (But wasn't as cute as the chair 😊)

  4. My goodness! What a find!!! So happy for you, my friend. My Madison finds things and is so good at refinishing them. Have a cozy weekend!

  5. Very sweet. Yes I am a junker from way back.

  6. Jules and Staci - Thanks so much...I know it's a little thing in the scheme of life, but I think we're all moving more toward the simple things. And as the old saying goes, "one man's junk is another man's treasure"!

    Billie Jo, Cathy, Lady sounds like you know just how I felt! Madison must really have an eye/talent to refinish (yay!) and being a junker is a terrific thing - it takes a keen eye to see the beauty! Lady Locust...saving hundreds is amazing...good for you, what luck!!

  7. Love scores like this! You are giving it a loving home. Enjoy!

  8. Thanks Daisy I keep slowing down to see if there's a matching one that will be tossed out!

  9. Kudos for you! No I have never found a freebie. Looks wonderful with your pillow too! Janice

  10. Awww thanks Janice - it's a small thing in the scheme of life, but it brings me a smile! Hope all's well with you, Mary


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