Friday, June 03, 2022

today's thoughts on gardening...short & sweet:

I Hate Ticks.

I Hate what they do.

I Hate how they do it.

I Hate removing them.

Happy Friday Friends!


  1. Ha! Now that's a short post with a message that is right on point! They have been awful here this year (I feel like I've said that the last few years...).

    Have a wonderful tick-less weekend!

  2. Jules - oh they are, and such sneaky little critters!

    Staci - fingers crossed, just maybe, if I stay out from under the trees, I may be tick-less indeed! Wishing you the same!

  3. that is a brilliant idea! I will look into that, thanks for the suggestion!

  4. I'm right there with you! I pulled what I thought was a tip of a thorn out of my leg and it turned out to be the smallest tick I've ever seen! I had to use a magnifying glass to be sure it was a tick. The size of a pin head. So disgusting. We have chickens but they don't get to free range as much as we'd like, too many coyotes and hawks. But I have heard that guinea's are great! Jan in MA

  5. We here in Pennsylvania have so many ticks. It is scary. Lucky for me I am an "indoor girl"! Have a cozy weekend!

  6. Janice H - Oh wow, so tiny! Yikes, more places for them to gives me the shivers! And our chickens have a run as well...same reason; coyotes and hawks. I'll read up on guineas...that might be a good solution.

    Billie Jo - Honestly, I fail to see their purpose! They completely ruin spring for me...just the thought of them lurking about!

  7. I once had one on my forehead after visiting one of the islands nearby here. Glad I caught it in time. Janice

  8. So glad we don't get them here, they sound horrid.

  9. Janice - oh yes, catching them early is key...ewwww!

    And Margaret, you lucky lady! They ARE Horrid, perfect word! You don't have snakes either do you??? I'm loving the idea of New Zealand!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!