Friday, June 24

so much to catch up on!

Hello friends, where does the time go? So much to catch up on, so if you're in a pinch for time, swing by later. Otherwise, pour an icy lemonade, put your feet up, and read on. And just for atmosphere, as author Susan Branch would say, click for a little Musica to put you in the vintage, summertime mood!

May was full of spring cleaning, gardening, band concerts, scholarship and award ceremonies, and two (yes two!) graduations, all paired with the most perfect springtime weather I can remember. 

Flowers have been blooming non-stop and the herb garden is calling for us to make pesto and salsa. Sunsets have been spectacular and days have had just enough rain so I haven't had to water the garden constantly.

In early May, our daughter graduated with one of her two degrees...she's double-majoring in Dance and Psychology. With the dance degree now complete, she's focusing on her Psychology degree while dancing full-time as a trainee with a ballet company. She graduated Summa Cum exciting surprise we didn't know about until she was at graduation; so proud of her! This weekend she'll head off to spend 6 weeks with another ballet company...her days are full, but she's doing what she loves.

The remainder of May was filled with scholarship opportunities for our one knows who the recipients will be until the names are read at the ceremonies. We were thrilled when he received an Eagle Scout scholarship and another generous one given by an anonymous donor. 

There were band concerts, reunions with favorite teachers at his Elementary School, and a hometown parade. All along, his cap and gown have been hanging nearby to remind me the day was coming. Armed with waterproof mascara and tissues, I was good until he came across the stage, received the diploma, and then shook the hand of a favorite teacher. He was honored to be the one who lead the graduating class in moving the tassels on their was official. And it all sinks in.

A few weeks later was his graduation open to-do list was longer than was humanly possible to complete, but when the day came, it was all about friends and neighbors sharing memories and wishing him well. He'll be at our state university studying bio-chemistry. Thank goodness it's only an hour away! 

A little more than a week after his party, a storm blew in. When the seasons begin to change and the weather warms up here, there's always the possibility of severe storms. This storm has now been categorized as an F1 tornado, with wind speeds from 73-112 mph. It came through our county with NO tornado sirens and NO mobile warnings. (yes, I think heads should roll - people were caught completely unaware!) 

The tornado path was 3 miles away...many homes and farms had damage with trees completely uprooted. We were lucky; the strong winds that came with the storm blew limbs down, but they missed our home. We've cleaned up what we can and are now on a waiting list for a tree removal company to clear out the rest. 

And along with that storm, the beautiful, balmy, 70-degree weather we'd been enjoying turned to a devilishly uncomfortable high of 97 degrees, and then (wait for it...) our community lost power. 

Out came oil lamps and flashlights and in the background was the continual hum of a portable generator keeping the freezer, refrigerator, and fans going. And while we have 5-gallon containers of drinking water in our storage, we had recently emptied the water tanks we store in the basement that are kept full for washing, watering animals, etc. The water pump for our well is electric, so showers were taken at the YMCA and a generous friend supplied us with additional water. It was only 3 days, but in the high heat, that was more than enough. 

So now, with all that behind us, today has been a picture-perfect June day blessing us with a cool breeze from the North and temperatures back to normal. Right now I have cookies baking in the oven and we're settling in to watch a movie. Yes, it's been a crazy few weeks, but after all, isn't it about the memories? Years from now, someone will say, "Do you remember when..."

I'm looking forward to catching up on all of your blog adventures, and fingers crossed, things should be back to "normal" now!

Have a great weekend friends!


  1. Wow! You HAVE been busy!! A huge congratulations to your son and daughter. Looks like they are both doing very well. Your photos are just beautiful and that herb garden looks so lush and healthy! Sorry to hear about the tornado. How awful that there were no warnings at all. Happy to hear you guys fared well and are back up and running again.

    It's good to see you posting. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  2. You must be so proud of your daughter and son for doing so well - I know I would be.
    That tornado sounds scary, especially if no warnings were given. I'm glad your home escaped destruction, but I feel for those who were not so lucky.
    Watching a movie with cookies and a loved one by your side sounds like a great way to start off a happy weekend :) xx

  3. How wonderful that both of your kids have found their calling so early in life. Congrats on helping them get there!

    Thankful the worst of the storm missed y'all. Sounds like you are well prepared for any major weather event.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. So glad the tornado missed you but sorry to hear others were affected. Congratulations to both your children. I know you are very proud! Pretty flowers too. Janice

  5. Hello! Oh my! What exciting times in your family! Congratulations to your daughter and your son! How proud you must be! Glad you missed the worst of the storm and that your electricity is back. Have a cozy Monday, and enjoy!

  6. Congratulations to your daughter and son and may their future be the best ever! So glad the tornado did not cause you horrible damage! Your flowers are so lovely! I hope this finds that things have gotten back to normal and all is well.

  7. Thank you to all for your kind words! Yes, we're getting back to all the usual happenings of summertime and are oh-so thankful. I truly appreciate your good wishes and heartfelt sweet to have such kind friends across the miles! Mary


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