Monday, June 03, 2019

what makes my heart happy...

while there's much to catch up on, today, this is what makes my heart happy...

I loved the temperature...for me it was perfect, in the 40's overnight,
and I love the colorful flip-flop lights given to me by a friend!

But you know what I love most?

See that glowing window?

Inside is my sweet ballerina (a week-long high school graduate)
hanging out with me...catching up on the day,
making plans for 
the week. 

And beyond.
Don't get me started, I'll cry.

"Dream beautiful dreams.
Then work to make those dreams come true."

-Spencer W. Kimball


  1. How fun to hang out with your graduate. Congrats to her. Funlights too! Janice

    1. Janice, thanks so much for your kind note. Oh how the time least she'll only be three hours away for college. I stopped by your the prim look...antiques, barn red, hunter green, well-loved antique pieces with a history! I'm looking forward to reading more and getting inspired!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!