Friday, June 14, 2019

no truer words...

Sure, there are a lot of things I want, and some things I need, but isn't it true that the simple pleasures are the best?

Like this screen door we just put in from the kitchen to the's weather is 64 degrees, the birds are singing, a cool breeze is blowing from the North, our rooster, Bandito, is crowing, and the sound of freshly-washed sheets are snapping in the breeze. To me, it's perfect.

Simple pleasures like this vintage dustpan I filled with flowers...

or a rusty chicken waterer that found a new purpose...

our flowers are blooming like never before...

and the green of planted fields surrounds us...

This year, spring has been in no hurry to jump into summer...we even had friends over for a bonfire & s'mores last week...that never happens in June!

It's a picture-perfect day in our part of the Mid-west...and I'm grateful for every minute I can enjoy it. Wherever you are, I hope the sweet & simple things are there for you...sometimes, we just have to look for them.

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