Friday, February 26, 2016

wintry scenes on the one for fun!

a few snapshots of the frost and wintry landscape before they're all gone...

clothesline just waiting for spring...

weathervane frozen in time...

fruit trees laden with frost...

arrow pointing south toward warmer weather...

and this AMAZING Snow-shi (pun intended) we saw driving to school!
It was incredible...probably 7 feet tall...what a work of art.
So cool, it even made the local newspaper!

Happy Friday, friends!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

farm photos...

inside, this is what's blooming by the kitchen window...


but outdoors...

we finally got the snow we'd hoped for! It's been a cold, but not so snowy winter in our part of the Midwest.

Well, that streak ended Tuesday! It was the kind of snow day I love was cancelled early and it was already a 3-day weekend.  The boys were having a Hobbit marathon in one room, while we girls were having a Downton Abbey marathon in another!

These are my favorite kind of days...a crackling fire, no "real" cooking, just snack food galore, hot cocoa, and piles of blankets and pillows!  These are the days we will remember...

Monday, February 01, 2016

thoughts for the new year...

Okay, so am I the only one sorting, washing, digging in? I keep telling myself 
"This is the year!"

I can't do everything on my wish list, but I can do some things.

Hmmm, the kitchen will get a sprucing up after a winter's leaky roof.  I mean, really, if I have to paint the ceiling, won't that make everything else just look dull?

It would be wrong not to freshen up the entire kitchen...after all, I still have this vintage find waiting for me!

And the bathroom...ahhh, the bathroom. Remind me...when was PINK the "in" color? Not that there's anything wrong with pink...really,'s just not, uh, me.

So here's my thought for the year...

photo found on the inspirational blog, Home in New England (
What a lovely thought...
Now, if you visit the old farmhouse...I ask that you kindly remember there are only so many hours in the day, so progress may not be as speedy as I'd like.
After all... 
there are more important things...

Happy Monday, friends!