Wednesday, February 17, 2016

farm photos...

inside, this is what's blooming by the kitchen window...


but outdoors...

we finally got the snow we'd hoped for! It's been a cold, but not so snowy winter in our part of the Midwest.

Well, that streak ended Tuesday! It was the kind of snow day I love was cancelled early and it was already a 3-day weekend.  The boys were having a Hobbit marathon in one room, while we girls were having a Downton Abbey marathon in another!

These are my favorite kind of days...a crackling fire, no "real" cooking, just snack food galore, hot cocoa, and piles of blankets and pillows!  These are the days we will remember...


  1. Sounds glorious & your photos are too! Pretty shots of the kitties!
    Have fun!

  2. Thanks Christine for your kind words! I have a feeling it will be one of the last's supposed to be nearly 50 degrees this weekend. But then, one of our biggest blizzards was in spring many years ago, we'll just wait and see!

  3. Thanks! They've been curling up in the hay on frosty days - next to the goats!


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