Tuesday, April 09, 2013

spring fever...

Simply stepping outside or listening through an open window, I can hear the melodies of springtime songbirds. They are enjoying this week's good weather, which you'll see from my last post, is quite a change! It's just about perfect outside...blue skies, puffy clouds, and warm breezes. 

The girls are happy to leave the confines of the hen house behind as they stretch their legs and enjoy this breath of spring. 

The bees have been out buzzing around bringing in pollen...yay! It's a thrill to know they've made it through their first winter...now to keep them healthy through these critical weeks in early spring. 

Not only us, but the the animals, whether it's Cocoa the rabbit...

or Mr. Myrtle the cat...

are all enjoying the early days of spring.

This time of year we try to give our house and yard a close inspection. And while I've been spring cleaning lately, anyone who stops by might think that's debatable. In my opinion, it always looks worse, before it looks better. 

Cleaning out clutter is never enjoyable (to me, at least). In the bright sunlight, surfaces seem hopelessly dusty, while dust bunnies are clearly in view from their winter hiding spots. Paperwork seems to have a way of multiplying, and has sadly ended up stacked in perilous disarray.

Outside however; the first tender shoots of daffodils are pushing their way through the warming earth. There are buds on the lilac bush and red maple tree. With a little work, sticks and branches from winter winds will be collected, flowerbeds tidied, and the garden tilled.

Yes, spring fever has a way of winning the battle each year with spring cleaning. The warming days certainly tug at us to come outdoors...the days are fine, and Sweet Girl has already brightened my heart by giving me my first bouquet of spring flowers. 

It's truly a time to make plans and enjoy the spirit of rebirth...a time of promise and simple pleasures.


  1. All that is yet to come....that's what makes these cleaning and muddy days of early spring worthwhile.

    1. Very true! The rains are coming today, and with it the mud. Guess that means I'll be indoors sorting those those piles of paperwork!

  2. I just stumbled across your blog, and love it. Spring at my little farm in the Northwest is struggling to escape from winter... each day a different season lately! I understand your dilemma; the house calls me, but so does the garden. Which will I embrace today?


    1. Thanks...so glad you found us! Agreed...each day does seem to be a different season; a terrific way of describing this topsy-turvy time of year. As for me...it's again a rainy day, with snow predicted for the weekend...I'll be indoors that's for certain. Hope you get outdoors for a breath of spring!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!