Tuesday, April 02, 2013

spring break...

Last week was our spring break from school, and even though the calendar said March, this kept us indoors...

Don't get me wrong...it was lovely, and we "camped out" just for fun in front of the fireplace most nights. 

It was a homemade hot cocoa & popcorn, favorite movie marathon, bowling, crafting, visiting with grandma & cousins, egg-hunting, & chocolate eating kind of spring break.

Now today, the house is quiet...

However, I've realized that post-spring-break leaves the house looking like a pack of wild animals ran through it. It's definitely time for me to kick it up a notch and dig into spring cleaning! It'll keep me busy until the kids are back home with their stories of the day.


  1. Sounds like a great spring break though ! Nice photos . Our kids had their spring break way back in March . Our snow has been gone for some time now , grass is beginning to green up . spring birdies are happily singing and bulbs are popping from the ground , sun has been shining but the temps and winds are still have that nip and chilly ! Soon spring will fully be here warm temps and all ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

    1. You are definitely ahead of us for the arrival of spring! We did have a teaser day on Saturday, it was almost 60. That meant bye-bye snow, but it's back to chilly temps today. That's okay...no time for outdoor play, spring cleaning will have me busy for weeks!

  2. Sounds like my sort of spring break; there will be lots of time for enjoying the outdoors during summer break, which I am ready for now! :) And, your farm is beautiful, no matter the season!

  3. Thanks for your kind words. While I'm really not looking forward to outdoor summertime chores (just don't love the heat & humidity!), I'm wishing for a bit warmer weather for our bees. It's been a long hard winter and they need some sunshine and warmth!


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