Tuesday, August 31, 2010

glimpses of the farmers' market...

golden honey
colorful flowers and fresh sweet corn
homebaked pies, breads, cakes, and cinnamon rolls
Indian corn
(for those of us anxiously awaiting fall!)
just-picked apples
It was still cool in the early morning and the square was bustling with activity. However, through all the chatting neighbors, laughing kids, and tail-wagging dogs, one little sign caught my eye...it simply read:

and Mattie, who was all of about 6 years old,
has been growing flowers all summer to sell at the market.
I just couldn't resist, so I asked her pick out her favorite colors for me, and I came home with a sweet bouquet
I promptly tucked into a Mason jar.

The farmers' market...what's not to love?!

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures! They bring back sweet memories. The one in your header especially makes me a little homesick.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!