Wednesday, August 25, 2010

putting things by...

I've had this photo for ages and it's always made me smile.
This young lady's been working hard alongside Mom and is rightfully proud of her efforts!

That's the goal for our pantry...and while it may not end up looking exactly like this one, the temperatures are 20 degrees cooler this week making it perfect for "putting things by"
as Grandma would say. I'm canning pizza and spaghetti sauces, pickles, beans, and peppers. The onions are ready to braid and hang, and herbs are ready to dry. Before we know it, we'll be digging potatoes.

Isn't it interesting that we all seem to get spring fever, but so many of us also have a fever in early fall? I once heard this described as a season between earnest nesting and flagrant wanderlust. It's that need be plan ahead for the frosty days sure to come, but to also enjoy the lingering summer days.

Hmmm, today I'm prudent...
next week I may just take a jaunt to Amish country!

So, how are you spending these days that are teetering somewhere between summer and fall?


  1. Teetering is a very good description. Sort of like being pulled in opposite directions. We've had cooler temps here this past week and I'm sure that plays a big role. Funny thing is, I think it will make the expected heat wave next week all the more unbearable. Once fall is here, I want it to stay but I'm not sure I'm ready just quite yet.

    Pizza sauce, now I never thought of that, but I'm going to give it a try. How nice that would be for our Friday pizza nights. Thanks in kind for the inspiration!


    PS. No texture used on the morning view photo, a blue and yellow gradient layer was added, skills attributed to my husband not me.
    : )

  2. Great picture! I'm always so proud of my filled jars, too.

    This weekend I hope to can some tomatoes and perhaps a little spaghetti sauce. We will always love Prego, but I'm going to try making sauce for lasagna.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!