Thursday, February 20, 2025


Like so much of the country, the farm is in the middle of winter’s grasp. While there’s only 4 inches of snow on the ground, the temperatures are single digits at night and when paired with the wind gusts, and hail, it’s been brutal.  

The power has been off twice today, so a fire is going and I just heated some water - I’d really like a small cast iron kettle made when the house was built, so the search is on (Janice, I’ll be looking for that gate mark on the bottom to make sure it’s truly old!)

I then filled a good, old-fashioned water bottle with the hot water…some things never go out of style. And it’s heart-shaped to boot, so that makes me smile!

Today’s plan is to sort through oodles of papers, catch up on scrap-booking, and make some sourdough bread. Someone shared their recipe, and it was really good, but it takes 24 hours start-to-finish so I better get moving.

Oh, and these bread loaves sell for $18 each at the farmers market.

Yes, $18! I can appreciate the work that goes into a loaf, but that seems a little steep to me - yikes! (OK, honestly, more than a little steep…this is a small town, not New York City.) And while I’m looking for new recipes to sell from the milk house, I just can’t see selling it anywhere near that price.

Drumroll please - today’s question for you:

What does the average-size round loaf of sourdough sell for in your area? 

Ok- off my soapbox! 

I hope wherever you find yourself you’re cozy, warm, comfortable, and enjoying February doing something that makes you happy!  


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

popping in to say "Hello!"

Hi to all, just a quick visit to say hello and hope you're all keeping warm! Happy to report the pipes thawed in about 12 hours with no bursting to clean up (yay!) and now I'm much more dedicated to making absolutely sure the dripping is equal in both hot and cold faucets.

We've had crazy weather, like most of you...twice now it's been hail and freezing rain paired with the loudest cracks of thunder; quite an odd combination. Bailey was curled up under blankets trying to block out as much of the thunder as she possibly could, while I was busy getting a fire on the power lines is a sure way for the electricity to go out here. And being the last house on the company's line, well, we're a low priority when it comes to restoring power. Ugh...luckily, it passed and all is well.

This month I tried my hand at homemade Pop-tarts (can I say that?) hmmm, okay, toaster pastries!  Not hard at all, and something I'll definitely sell from the milk house this year. 

I recently wrapped up my February MaryJanesFarm post...hop on over if you'd like to take a look:

I'm still trying to "power clean" as I call it, and with headphones on time passes so much easier. I've listened to the Laura Ingalls books and now I'm working my way through the Harry Potter ones. Found for free online, the audio-books have been a terrific way to make make tedious jobs go just a bit faster.

Well, that's it for today friends...hope all is well wherever you may be!