Monday, August 26, 2024

what’s 4 more?

Good Monday morning! Time for a quick catch-up and yes, a rant. 

The weather lately has been such a relief. Cool days and even cooler nights certainly make the days spent outdoors much more pleasant. 

Today the weather turns back to typical August with several days predicted to be in the mid-90”s. And so it goes - what is that old saying?  Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it!

Bailey has had her last her injection for heartworm and will be retested in a month - she’s doing well, looking well, and can brag about two stylish shaving spots on her back.

Each morning Nelly comes running to greet her and they walk side-by-side  This warms my heart, Bailey and Azzie were always snuggled together, I’m hoping that she will find in Nelly another friend to curl up with. 

Daisy- you had asked to see pictures of the gals putting together their own shop after the antique Mercantile closed in town. I just took a couple, but it was filled with terrific things!  It’s in a little building next to one of their homes, and I’m hoping they do well. 

August means back to school here, even for college students – so a couple of weeks were spent sorting, packing, and getting ready for university studies. After their sophomore year, students are no longer permitted to live on campus, so my son is sharing a house close to campus with friends. That brings changes - parents could be found moving in furniture, appliances, silverware, dishes, food, and other odds and ends to make them comfortable. We tried to squeeze in fun as well – before loading up the car, we had our traditional first day of school breakfast - McGriddles from McDonald’s!  

We’ve been doing this since elementary school-some things never change. And I’m glad. 

Got him settled in, hugged goodbye, fought back the tears (at least until I drove away) and then made a necessary trip here for a Pink Drink. 

So now it’s back to getting caught up-today I’m making pizza sauce to can and there’s still trips to Goodwill to make from the basement cleaning. 

Now about that rant-

Believe me when I say i know there are a multitude of reasons that people have in their minds - 

Life changes, financial, allergies, impulse buying, escalating cost of care - I get it, but for the life of me, I will never understand why people dump animals alongside the road.

In the many years that we’ve been on the farm, there have been 4 dogs and too many cats to count that have found their way into our lives. My philosophy has always been they are more than welcome to stay: spay and neuter, provide food, shelter and love. For years, the joke has been, “What’s  one more?!”

Sometimes I wonder how they find us, have they been wandering, or did someone leave them here intentionally knowing what my philosophy is. And that’s OK too - although I certainly wish someone would secretly drop off a jersey cow, mini horse or donkey! 

And so my point is-look at this face - 

My daughter and I were on our way into town, when we saw a little black “something” in the road – at first I thought it was a black squirrel - but slowing down, we found that it was a black kitten. We pulled over picked it up walked to the nearest house to make sure someone hadn’t lost it. No one claimed him, then, walking back to the car, three more popped out of the soybean field! We checked a couple of more houses, and then scooped them up and brought them home. Maybe 5 or 6 weeks old – I doubt they would’ve survived long on their own. 

What’s 4 more?!

So now we hear the happy chatter of kittens always ready for breakfast, lunch, and dinner - and being quite vocal about it, but also the cutest little bundles of fur! When they’re old enough, they will be spayed and neutered and join Kipper, Nelly, Tinker Bell, and Barnum as part of the gaggle of barn cats that call this home. 

Here’s the thing, and certainly only my personal opinion:

Dumping an animal is absolutely heartbreaking, cruel, and unnecessary. I will never understand what kind of a heartless person thinks that is OK to do. To leave an animal by the side of the road, unprotected, scared, alone, and then to drive off, not giving them a second thought. Pets are not meant to be tossed away when they have lost their cuteness or when they need a little extra care as they age.

There are so many ways to rehome a pet: ask friends and neighbors, stop in and speak to someone at a vet clinic, ask at a humane, no euthanize shelter, put an ad in the paper, advertise on a neighborhood app, check with people at work. 

And so that is my rant for the day – shaking my head, I will never, ever understand. 

Rant concluded. If you’re still reading, thanks for letting me vent. 

Now it’s time for me to start making that pizza sauce and there are Fuji apples that need picking!



  1. Now I want some apples. Yum. Have a beautiful day.

  2. So good that your Bailey is doing well. I love your tradition of McDonalds with your kids......and now they are off campus........the years fly by so quickly. I so agree with your rant about dropping animals. We live so far away from town and from neighbors.........yet somehow, sometimes, people drop their cats. If I find them before bobcats and coyotes do.......I have been successful at finding rescue and home placements for them. It is so heart breaking indeed. Enjoy these last pretty summer days!

    1. Oh don't they did the time get away from me?! Thanks for supporting my's wonderful that you take time to find homes for those that you come across as well.

  3. I'm hungry for McDonald's breakfast. I miss that they no longer serve breakfast all day (well other than burritos. ) I am a breakfast person but not a morning person. I can't agree more. We have a farm down the road and when strays show up, that's the first place I check and that's usually where they're from. But I have niece who has a farm and, like you, I think people know she will take strays in and she's paid the price. Right now she struggling to raise 4 kittens as well...they were too young and now they are too spoiled to be transitioned to the barn. Anyways, it is horrible that people do that to animals. I would not want to look inside their souls.~Robin ~ (On the bright side, your kitties are adorable...and think of the fun you will have with them for the next couple of months.)

    1. I have to say, probably loaded with calories, but that McGriddle is the best! Breakfast ends here at 10:30 - and yes, it used to be all day as well. Sometimes breakfast for dinner just hits the spot! I'd say your niece is a good soul...not everyone would give them a home. I've never tried to transition kittens to outdoor barn cats...all of the cats here have just shown up...some stayed years, some moved on. If it helps: I'm reading to turn them into barn cats, the "teenagers" need to be in an enclosed, safe run outside for about a month. That should help them learn they will always be fed there and feel like they want to stay. I'm hoping...let me know how it turns out for your niece!


  4. We got our tortoise sweet kitty from someone dumping it. She was the best cat in the world and lived almost 20 years. There is no excuse for dumping an animal!!! Glad to hear your sweet dog is doing well.
    I have made several batches of pasta sauce. It will taste all the
    better this winter.

    1. I think the rescues just know how lucky they are and reward us over and over. 20 years is a wonderful, happy, long life...what sweet memories you must have. I excuse! You should share your recipe...I'm making pizza sauce today...and it's 95 degrees. why does it seem harvest needs preserving on the hottest days?!

  5. I will join you in your rant. I think abandoning pets is one of the cruelest things a person can do to an animal. It is inexcusable in my book.
    Loved your first-day-of-school tradition - having traditions in the family helps to bring a family together, don't you think?

    1. Thank you so much, Margaret! I couldn't agree animal trusts us, loves us, and how do some people repay that? Cruel is the best word I can think of...well, maybe a few choice other words, but I'll avoid those! Thank you, I always try to keep special days matter how old they get. I couldn't agree with you more.

  6. Oh my! Just look at those adorable faces. Thank goodness they found their way to you. Rant all you like, as I couldn't begin to imagine abandoning any animal, let alone those sweet angels. Both of mine are rescues. Xx

    1. Hi Jules...I know your rescues are so grateful; I think they understand love and security when they find it. So glad we found these...we don't usually travel that road, and I'm guessing it was meant to be. I'm stunned...I just can't imagine dropping off any animal at any age and then driving off. Heartless, cruel, and so many other words. There are options if people will just try to find them. Hugs to your rescues from across the miles!

  7. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Oh, I see a few things that could come home with me. ;0D
    Glad to hear Bailey is doing better. Continued healing, sweet pup.
    Your new charges are adorable. Grateful that they found their way to you.
    You are a good soul.
    Be Blissed!

    1. Sounds like me Daisy...some antiques, just need a home! Oh well...I'm an old-fashioned soul, is it possible to be born in the wrong time?! One more month and Bailey will be retested...fingers crossed. And yes those kittens...plenty of barns, plenty of we say, what's one more (or four in this case). I think Azzie is sending them our way...I do miss that sweet yellow-fellow as we called him. Thanks for your kind words.

  8. I second your rant. Our bestest boi ever came to us that way. The road across from our drive was unpaved for years, and I suppose people figured that was a "good country spot". Now that it's paved, the dumping has seemed to stop, thank goodness. The kittens were blessed to find you and your daughter's kind hearts.

    1. Yay, let's all rant and maybe, just maybe, people will begin to listen! So good that you've been blessed with one finding his way to you...that's wonderful that you gave him a home. They certainly become a part of our families; don't they? Oh to be a daughter and I would revamp a barn and most certainly begin an animal rescue welcoming one and all.

  9. I completely agree with your rant. For the life of me I cannot figure out how people can live with themselves when they do this. Our Jackson was part of an abandoned litter. So grateful someone did just what you and your daughter did - spot something on the road and stop. There was a full litter of kittens on the side. Side note: I wish for a mini horse and donkey too!!!!! I absolutely love them, especially donkeys!! Hugs to Bailey - it sounds like the healing journey has gone well.

    1. I 100% agree - your words are spot on - how can they walk away and not feel anything? And yay for finding Jackson - lucky him and lucky you. Yes please donkeys!!


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