Tuesday, March 19, 2024

spring or winter?

Warm or cold? Sun or snow? Mother Nature is quite undecided and up to her old tricks. Last week it was ideal for taking long walks with our dog Bailey. The sun was shining and the days were oh-so warm and breezy. Early evenings meant maybe tossing on a jacket or sweatshirt, but they were still lovely.

Late afternoon drives along the winding country roads were just as nice...cows, goats, sheep, and horses were lazily enjoying their time in the fields and the warmth of the sun. A spinning windmill created a beautiful silhouette against the setting sun.

And then last night it began to snow...you know the kind I mean, those big, fluffy snowflakes that seem to float in slow motion. The ones that drift down ever so slowly that they don't look real.

No, it wasn't a lot of snow, but it was a surprise that brought a quick dip in the temperatures...a 40-degree change from just a few days ago.

Brrr...time to curl up in a cozy blanket, slip on a pair of warm socks, and sip hot chocolate. That's okay with me...it's always good to settle in and relax.

Plans for this week on the farm? I'm still spring cleaning, emptying closets, and tossing unnecessary paperwork with wild abandon! My daughter has two weeks off from the ballet company, so we'll most likely have a few day trips just for fun. 

Soon I hope to have a surprise to share with you...

something I'm so excited about...

Until then, enjoy your week!


  1. Your pictures are wonderful. Our spring bulbs are just barely out of the ground here. But March is doing her best to keep us guessing. Today chilly and windy but sunny. I got out for a walk but snow flurries are predicted for tomorrow and Sat plowable how sad.
    now you have my interest piqued I can't wait to hear your good news.

    1. Hi Cathy, Plowable - oh my! At nearly April I’m sure you’re ready for a change of seasons - when did your snows begin - late fall?? Maybe pick any spring blooms and bring them inside to add a bit of color to your snowy weekend 🌷!

  2. Oh, you're such a tease! What could it be?

    Yes, we went from highs near 80 to lows hovering around 30 degrees overnight. I don't mind. It's been a fairly mild winter here in the Piedmont, but I know Ole Man Winter must take his leave.
    Enjoy some cocoa for me!

  3. Oh 80 is warm - that is a big temperature swing! A mild winter here too - I really dislike the back and forth. Just give me a hard winter November thru February! Will do - cocoa planned for tonight😊

    1. PS...don't mean to tease, it's just not "official" yet!

  4. Stunning pictures! And oh the cruelty making us wait 😍
    Lady Locust

    1. Aww thanks - sometimes pictures are being in the right place at the right time. Within a few minutes those sunsets were gone. As far as the surprise, it’s something I’ve wanted to for a long time, but never thought I’d have the chance – like the picture says, never stop making wishes- That goes for all of us!!

  5. Yes, my friend. I am ready for the carefree days of just stepping outside, sitting on the porch, sweeping the deck. Yet, you know I will always welcome the cozy cold and snuggling time! Hmmmmm. You've got me curious! And excited for you, whatever it may be! Have a cozy evening!

    1. It’s a toss up for me - I love spring but when it turns to summer and becomes hot and humid, outdoor work - for me anyway - is almost unbearable. Oh a garden fresh tomato is heaven - but I admit fall and winter are my favorites. I just love hibernating!

  6. It was quite mild here, yesterday. Today it's back to more wintry temperatures and I'm just about to put my sweater back on. Xx

    1. So undecided is this madcap month of March ! The wind was so icy and so strong yesterday it really felt like winter. Today is the same - it certainly makes it hard to look at flower seeds and think of garden vegetables.

  7. Cannot wait to read your surprise. Its Winter here with more snow tomorrow. Janice

    1. This weather is crazy. No snow here but the north wind is incredibly cold - are you sending it?!


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