Sunday, November 05, 2023

a catch-up...

Last week there was a hint that Old Man Winter would shortly be paying a visit. Nighttime temperatures were in the 20's, while the mornings brought the prettiest blue skies with a moon still visible in the early morning. Opening the mudroom door, it seems it's always a toss-up on who's louder...Tinkerbell, the cat on the porch waiting for breakfast, or the crows in the fields. (I just discovered a grouping of crows is called a Murder...yikes, how Halloween-esque!) 

And as my to-do list is whittled down, I think maybe, just maybe, that I'm ready. Okay, well, there are probably a few more things...I can always find something else I feel needs doing!

The garden's been put to bed, and for me, that's a sure sign I can step back, breathe, and see what I've ignored during this time (dust bunnies, I'm coming for you.)

And so today's post is a catch-up on what's been happening while harvest has been in full swing...

pumpkins buckled up for a safe ride home
from a little roadside farm stand

along with the last of the summer blooms

what's been for sale at the
"not shop" shop

a visit to the season's last county fair...
look at the weight of that prize-winning pumpkin:
530 pounds!

blue-ribbon roosters,

and goat mama & kid

my favorite Halloween gal...
this witch just makes me smile!

decorations are simple...
nothing to be afraid of here!

my daughter and I hiked a trail I'd been looking forward to:
the Butternut Trail
no special reason, other than I loved the name!

We packed a lunch and soon were rewarded with
lovely views along the way.

the last of the garden harvest...
I just couldn't let those green tomatoes freeze,

so I pulled out a handwritten recipe of my grandmother's
for Dilly Green Tomatoes:

Now I have a gallon of them to enjoy!

I'll post about my grandmother sometime...every time I hear Taylor Swift's song, Marjorie  I'm reminded of her...I think she's why I do so much of what I do. 

Well here's to a new month and a new week...hoping for beautiful blue autumn skies, trees with coppery leaves, and that unmistakable hint of Fall in the air, maybe even the first fire in the fireplace. Truly, my favorite season! 


  1. Smart those pumpkins can roll around in the car. Nice hike. I have a friend who lives on Butternut lane.
    Dill tomatoes hmmm I love dill green beans.
    Happy November

    1. Ha - my daughter's ideal to buckle in those pumpkins! But you're right, they do tend to roll around a bit. The tomatoes are good...firm, crisp, and dilly...I think Im the only one enjoying them, but that's okay! I'll have to try green beans, I think I saw an old recipe for that as well.

  2. I love the phrase "coppery leaves", and I may steal it sometime. It's the perfect description. I agree, autumn is the most comforting of seasons. Enjoy!

    1. Absolutely...take the phrase and run! That's just how it looks here now...a little hint of red here and there, but that's all. I love it though!

  3. You have some glorious autumn colour in your part of the world.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses seat belts for all sorts of things. Quite often I use it to keep my coffee safe and upright as I drive. The hot flask is too wide for my car's cup holder. Xx

    1. The colors have been lovely...mostly gone now, but the days are still glorious - not our usual November weather. And a great idea on the coffee flask as well...sometimes we just need to be creative!

  4. So many happy things in this post....and so many smiles. Loved the name of that trail (would make me want to hike it, too), your buckled up pumpkins, a super heavy pumpkin and that sweet mama goat with her baby!! Had no idea about crows - and murder!?!? Hope you have a wonderful week ahead. And maybe old man winter will change his mind!!

    1. Oh thanks's just the perfect season for me and makes me smile. I agree on the grouping of crows...who gets to make these decisions?!

  5. What a lovely post that has all the feels. ☺ Our pellet stove has been on for a couple weeks now. It started as mornings only and has now been officially given a full-time job for the season. Wishing you a wonderful week and a happy November!

    1. Hi Staci, oh the stove going must be just heaven - I'd love the old-fashioned glow, what a great way to begin the morning.

  6. I giggled when I saw the pumpkins in their seatbelt. We have been getting the same weather until today when we had freezing rain. snow and rain. What a combo. Happy November to you! Janice

    1. Janice - I'm guessing we do have just about the same weather - but no freezing rain here. Yikes! It's been so perfect, I love the snow...I just don't want to drive in it!


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