Sunday, June 18, 2023

jumpin' June!

Oh my, time flies...I've fallen behind in any number of things, but it's with renewed determination that I'm ready to catch up! 

So rather than chatter, on this quiet Sunday evening I've decided to simply share some photos of what I'm seeing these June days - but first, a little sweet music; Simple Gifts...

click here

"I'm going to make everything around me beautiful,
that will be my life."

-Elsie Wolfe

I hope you had a lovely weekend...


  1. Such beautiful photos! I hope all is well with you and your family!!

    1. Hi Staci, thanks so much...and you too, I know you're busy, let's try and get a little R&R as well!

  2. Good to “see” you. Isn’t June a lovely month? What kind of chicken gives you the speckled eggs 😊
    Lady Locust

  3. Looks like you have a whole lotta beautiful going on there! Blessings...daisy

    1. Thanks, it's perfect weather cool, I admit, I hope it lasts. Those eggs came from a neighbor...they're turkey eggs...about the same size as duck eggs...I've never seen anyone sell them before so I had to try makes a giant omelet!

    2. Awww thank you Daisy...I'm finally done planting, well, almost
      :) The kids picked out a couple perennials and a tree for me as gifts, so I need to get those planted and then maybe I can feel caught up, well kind of!

  4. I love that quote! And your pictures are just lovely. Since I have retired in the past couple of weeks. I have been working like a fiend in my gardens I have neglected them the past few years. But when I walk around at the end of the day it makes me so happy and satisfied.

    1. You know what's funny Cathy, I remember saying to someone recently "I just want to make it pretty" (i was trying to hide a goof up on a birdhouse post) and they turned to me and said "Pretty?" as if I had said something so absurd it needed to be called out. Yes, there's such craziness in the world, why can't we just enjoy our little gardens and old houses (with slanting walls and uneven floors!) and make them pretty? I know it makes my heart happy - glad to hear it does yours too!

  5. Beautiful pics Mary! So glad to see you back. We are headed down to Ohio next week on an antique buying trip. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. June is a wonderful month indeed! Janice

  6. Beautiful photographs, Mary. I think June is my favourite month. Xx

  7. Thanks long as we keep having this October weather, I'm a happy girl!


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