Saturday, March 18, 2023

spring break...

 As my daughter said...

"The balance has been restored!"

Both kids are free from workload of college classes as their Spring breaks lined up this week. And yes, balance indeed...4 place settings at the table, Wordle at midnight, dusting off of favorite movies, and food, food, food. They've met up with friends, stayed up, slept in, had all variety of pies on Pi Day, and in honor of Saint Patrick, we whipped up some traditional recipes and enjoyed Shamrock shakes. 

Today is a catch up day - laundry and shopping, as well as anything else that needs doing before classes begin again. Monday I'm back to the grind...there's still much take care of on my To-Do List. 

Always inspired by lovely places that Along the Way blogger Jules visits (see her blog here), I've made up my mind to do the same each week. As long as the weather cooperates, there are so many easy day-trips I could be taking to see new places...why am I not doing it?!

And so this week we visited a nearby 123-acre park - even though the skies were gray and the trees bare, there was still a beauty to it:

flowers were popping up,


and we found secret gardens, 

along with vignettes from the past.

There was even a perfect little farmhouse and barn
(I could easily feel right at home!)

And look at the fun weather vane!

Ahhh, March...up to her usual antics. Yes, the sun is shining, but the wind from the north is strong and icy-cold; rattling windows and sending anything outside that's not weighted down, dancing across the yard and into the surrounding fields. I'd best remember the advice I read years ago...

"March days should be lived one day at a time,
as it's likely early gardeners will meet with disappointment."


That's okay, I have dust bunnies to chase, papers to sort, and phone calls to make, there's no need to fret about gardening just yet. Oh yes, I'm sketching garden plans and looking at seed catalogs; if only I had a greenhouse. Sigh...

Happy weekend friends!


  1. So happy you're seeing small signs of spring! It will still be a bit for us. Thank you for sharing Jules blog. I'm enjoying reading her posts! It sounds like your home is full of activity again, no doubt leaving you exhausted and overjoyed. I'm sure Bailey is happy the kids are home too. Wishing you days full of love and memories. 💗

    1. Hi Staci, yes, Jules has some wonderful spots she visits and is generous in sharing her beautiful photos. And you're so right, Bailey has loved the extra attention! Thanks for the good's been a joyful week.

  2. Hello, my lovely friend! What a wonderful week you had with all your people together! Everything sounds perfectly cozy, just as it should. I am enjoying the cozy couch this weekend, as Flynn as a cold, so we are resting and watching The Hunger Games marathon on television. Come Monday, I will join you in tending to the paperwork on my counter, and the laundry piles by the sink. Night!!! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Billie's such a good feeling to have the kids together this week, One of my favorite things is to hear them laughing grateful. Hope your cozy couch weekend helped Flynn bounce back - spring colds are no fun!.

  3. How lovely to have the kiddos home for a bit. Sounds like you are living your best life indeed!
    Winter sowing has worked so well for me this season, I will never need a greenhouse! Blessings...

  4. Thank you for the mention :)
    It sounds like you are enjoying having a full house once more. This weekend the weather has been quite a mix. Saturday was sunny and mild, and yet on Sunday the weather was feeling rather chilly again. I'm looking forward to some more days out as the weather improves. Xx

  5. It's truly been a good week...a wonderful way to begin the turn to springtime. And you're sowing has me thinking I'll get out the seed packets and make plans this week!

    1. Oops, this first reply was meant for Daisy G - so sorry!

      Jules, it's been a wonderful back to the routine (and my slightly overwhelming) must-do list. Our weather is back & forth as well, bitter cold winds this week...makes me wonder how the summer will be. I'm hoping cooler than usual simply because once the temperature is over 70F, I truly begin to wilt!

  6. Everyone is showing flowers popping up....nothing here yet. How fun to have all of your children back at home. I so enjoy when I host holidays as my kids come too if only just for a few hours. Janice

  7. It was a fun week Janice - I just heard a song on the radio that said not to be sad when they have to leave, but to be happy for all the good times. Ugh, I'm not at that enlightened point yet - Easter will be soon, and another visit. You're so right, even for a short visit, it's the best.

  8. Nothing better than families being happy together :)
    The park you visited sounds like a fascinating place and I especially loved those quotes xx

    1. It was pretty even though the trees were bare...that's okay, I need to get out and see those places that somehow I've missed. I loved the quotes too, and the little "secret" gardens. The house is quieter now, but soon it will be Easter...I don' think we're ever too old for egg dying and surprises!

  9. Balance restored sounds wonderful, Mary. Wishing a wonderful time ahead. Cheers, Ivy.

    1. Hi Ivy, welcome and thanks for visiting ... yes, balance is a good thing! I'm heading over to your blog now to see all that's happening there!

  10. So wonderful that your children come home for break..........that is the wonderful thing about families....."home, always a place to return to!" Its always wonderful to get out and sight see for a bit! Lovely photos of your excursion! Wishing you pleasant days ahead!

  11. Love your photos of the park you visited. So wonderful that you children came home for break! Home is always such a wonderful place to return to! Wishing you pleasant days ahead!

    1. You're so right...I love the idea of home as a place to return to! So hard saying goodbye - but Easter weekend is soon and even college students get Easter Baskets! Thanks for the good wishes...I see a little green outside today, so the tide will turn and we'll be gardening before we know it. Enjoy your week!

  12. It must be nice to have everyone under the same roof again.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!