Monday, January 02, 2023

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year friends near and far...welcome to 2023! Sending you my wishes for the happiest, healthiest, loveliest year ever! 

And before we begin, if you'd like a little wintertime tune, Lindsay Stirling's Ice Storm is just right.

I stumbled upon this quote and thought it described me's taken from The Murmuring Cottage, which you can visit here (oh, the most beautiful photos...)

That sums me up to a T in winter. I live by the seasons, and time here just seems to have a flow to it. Perhaps it's seeing the months pass on a farm: planting, growing, harvesting, then welcome hibernation. It's an easy flow where the days slip one into another.

And with that flow of time, like so many, we were greeted with the "Bomb Cyclone" that came our way Friday December 23 when the high for the day was -4 F.  Space heaters were doing their best, along with a roaring fire, furnace, blankets, hot chocolate, warming tea, slow cooker of soup...whatever it took to stay cozy for 3 days.

Today as I write, it is 62 degrees warmer than it was on our coldest days before was a frosty -8 F with a bone-chilling wind making it feel as if it was -30 F. There's nothing much that can be done except bundle up and move quickly when going outdoors. Goats & chickens were kept safe & cozy with extra everything, birds of every color visited the feeders, and when Bailey and I went outside, she was oh-so speedy!

the kitchen garden under snow, 

Bailey & Azzie snuggle,

For Christmas, I always hide 3 pickle ornaments for the kids to find
on the small tree. When they find them, there's an extra little family present.
This year it was Grinch cookie cutters - more sweets to bake and eat!

Decorations will stay up for the month of January; however, I've tucked away the Santas. I always hate to put this fella away, he's one of my favorites.

now in his spot are a snowman & snowflake. 

Well, now it's time to make those Grinch cookies! I'll be back soon, with more
from the farm!


  1. WOW!!!!! You have had a time of it. But I'm sure all was cozy, on your farm.

    Wishing that 2023 will be Kind to all of us.

    Except that it didn't get the memo. Because Jan. 1st, there was a water main break, which has most of the city, still under a boil water necessity. Oh how fragile is our modern existence.

    Gentle hugs

  2. We had that weather Dec 23 it started out snow then turned to rain. I feel the same way we are suppose to be cold and snowy. But sadly it feels like early spring instead

  3. Happy to hear you all did well during the Christmas weekend weather. We were fortunate to not lose power, so we stayed nice and toasty too! Happy New Year!!

  4. Hoping that 2023 on the farm will be a great year for you all too. I love your description of how to go with the flow and really enjoy winter. Sounds so cuddly and cosy and simply awesome :)

  5. Beside a babbling brook, oh no, no water? even having to boil is extra work; sorry to hear that. Yes, we kept cozy, so many people had it so much worse, no complaining here. I love winter, but let's keep it a little less dangerous! Hope your water is back on soon, Mary

  6. Cathy, I am not a fan of snow to rain...what a muddy, melted mess. I too am hoping we get back to a normal winter - this spring-like time will just mess up animals, plants, and people (in my humble opinion) Mother Nature (and me) need our sleep! Mary

  7. Staci - glad to hear you kept your power on. At one point I heard one million people across the US didn't have power. That's always such a worry, even with a fireplace. When power goes here, water goes, too and that's just no fun. Also, LOVE your soaps and shampoo bar - will swing to give them an A+ rating! What a talent you have to create & sell such terrific items. Mary

  8. Margaret, awww, thank you. I always think I was born in the wrong era - would have loved to be a pioneer (but ask me again in August if I want to live without air conditioning!). How fun you read you're enjoying fresh cherries and laundry dried in the warm sun! Also, glad to read you retrieved your photos...those are such cherished memories. Mary

  9. Ooooooooooooooooh, now that's cold! No doubt you were well prepared for the blizzard.
    Glad things are warming up all over. It is a blessing living where there are four distinct seasons. There is always something to look forward to.

    What a great tradition with the pickle ornaments!

    Enjoy your week.

  10. Happy New Year. What a nice tradition with the pickle ornaments! So glad you stayed safe during the storm too. I know many who lost power. Not fun. Janice

  11. Oh my goodness! Could we be any more similar??? I love the quote you shared. It is me too! It has been horribly warm here in Pennsylvania, and I do not like it! LOL! I also am leaving things up for a bit, but I am packing the Santas away until next year.
    I am looking forward to these cozy winter months. Have a lovely evening, my friend!

  12. Janice, you know I can't recall where I heard about the pickle ornament...maybe a German tradition? I'll have to look it up and refresh memory. Sounds like you were lucky and had power too...I can't imagine losing it in those frigid temperatures. Glad you're snug & warm!

  13. Billie Jo - yay, another winter-loving person! For me, it's all about slowing down and telling my brain shhhhhh from the busy-seasons before it. It's warm here, too...and muddy and rainy and an absolute mess. Hoping for some real winter weather!

  14. Daisy - you're so right, I do love the distinct seasons...I just can't imagine not having them, I'd be bored! Yes, the pickle is fun, sometimes it's a family board game, but this year, all they were talking about was making a Blinch - a blue Grinch, so when I saw the cookie cutters, I had to get them!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!