Friday, December 02, 2022

on the mend!

A short note to say "Thanks" to all for the sweet get-well messages...COVID has passed, now to get on with the fun of the holiday season!

I'm one who loves tradition...pumpkin carving, decorating the tree, sparklers on the 4th of July. And so to give Thanksgiving and Fall their due, I never put up any Christmas decorations until December 1 - except this year, I did! 

Source: Unknown

I know, I know, it's not like me; however, while preparing for Thanksgiving my daughter thought it would be nice if her brother came home that week and there was holiday sparkle to welcome him...something to help push aside the stresses of freshman year at college and the pressures of mid-term exams. 

What a great idea! Mantels were decorated, wreaths on the doors, greenery draped along the porch, skinny tree positioned in the front window. And you know what? She was right! It added a bit more fun to those few days, and honestly, now the month of December has less things on the "to-do" list. 

Saturday we took our usual trek to the tree farm, the day was gorgeous (and believe me, when it's rainy/muddy/icy/freezing, it is not the magical experience it should be.)  The kids found the prettiest tree and now it's in place with just white lights...when exams are over in a couple of weeks, and we're all together, we'll complete the decorating. 


A couple of years ago I remember reading this:

Christmas is not a competition
of how decorated your house is,
of how perfectly perfect your gifts are,
of how busy your days and nights are,
of how much baking you do,
of how many homemade gifts you can crank out,
of how beautiful your family is (or appears to be).
let's all. 

I've always thought it was one of the best posts I've ever can find it here

And so in an effort to continue to follow that advice, this is what I'm looking at right now...trying to keep it simple while holding onto traditions. 

And so it's the end of another week...I hope you're cozy, feet up, and easing into this wonderful time of year. 


  1. Hello, my friend. So glad you are on the mend and ready to celebrate the joys of December. We are so very similar! I agree with everything you wrote here. Your home is lovely, cozy, and warm. Enjoy!

  2. Awww Billie Jo, thank you...I'm always inspired by your home & family. I love that we've "met" and enjoy and value so many of the same things. Happy weekend!

  3. How true - Christmas is NOT a competition, although many folk seem to think it is. Your home sounds like a haven of peace from all the craziness that modern Christmas seems to bring to everyone these days. Yay for simple traditions :)

  4. Margaret, your comment touched my heart. Truly, it's always my hope that when we walk through the door it is a place where we shut out the pressure and stress that can often be found in the "real" world. I think because our house is old (1864) and I love old things, it's a little easier to try and capture that simpler time gone by. Yep, there's video games, laptops, and all the things the modern world brings that we often need to do our jobs. But sometimes it's as simple as turning off the TV, lighting a fire, and pulling a favorite book off the shelf. You mentioned reviving some old traditions...I'd love to hear about them, they might just become new traditions for all of us!

  5. So glad you are feeling more yourself.

    This is a great reminder to keep things simple. It's the memories we keep, not the decorations, gifts and money spent, that is important. Enjoy the season.

  6. Thanks Daisy G - it's good to feel like I'm not a lump curled up in a blanket any longer! And you're so right...I don't know why it always seems to be so hard - advertising? peer/neighborhood pressure? Absolutely, the memories are what's important...let's make them good ones and not ones filled with stress or sleepless nights! Enjoy your Saturday!

  7. So happy you are feeling better! Your daughter is so thoughtful. I completely agree with all that you wrote, and your home is so cozy and beautiful!

  8. Love this post!!!

    That you are better and are doing fun things and getting ahead of stuff, and especially.... the idea of stopping the Holiday Crazies!!!!!!

    Enjoy the calm beauty...

    🎄 🎄 🎄

  9. Thanks Staci - ha, I'm pretty sure all the nighttime shadows and twinkle lights are hiding dust bunnies (maybe tumble weeds!) Hope all's well with you...I'm sure the business is booming, hope you get your feet up from time to time!

  10. Beside a babbling brook - I've never been a big shopper, maybe that makes it easier. No black Friday madness for me...that just ruins the whole season (in my opinion - I know some folks love the hustle & bustle and that works for them!) I guess I'm just at an age where I feel it's time to breathe...

  11. Glad you are feeling better. Your tree is most festive! Janice

  12. I'm so glad you are feeling better now, and what a lovely warm welcome home your son must have enjoyed. I think more people than usual have decorated early for Christmas this year. Xx

  13. Thanks so much Janice - you and I share a love of prim, and this skinny little tree is where I put all my old-fashioned ornaments. Some are similar to yours. The live tree will have the mis-matched, kid-made, vacation-found, ornaments in my best efforts to NOT have the "perfectly-perfect" designer, store window tree, but a tree filled with memories. Hope it's a good week for you, and the shops are bustling with customers!

  14. Hi Jules - it is good to be feeling better, especially now that it's December - thanks for your good wishes.The days went too quickly, but I do think he felt good settling back in at least for a few days...the number one request? Home-cooked meals - yay, makes my heart happy! Enjoy your's lovely seeing how you celebrate across the miles.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!