Tuesday, August 16, 2022

the countdown is on...

Fluttering somewhere between summer and fall, a change of seasons is in the air. Almost like magic, summer's almost unbearable heat & humidity are gone, replaced with cooler days & nights, northerly breezes, and enough rain to keep the garden happy.

Around here we see...

a volunteer Golden Glow
over 6 feet tall,

birds flitting in and out
of a cheery green birdhouse,

amazing sunsets, 

Swiss Chard that is 3 feet tall
(recipes to share, anyone?!)

and sunflowers that always
make me smile.

Also, if you've been reading here awhile, you may recall there is a countdown on:

4 days to college move-in...

- waterproof mascara  -
- waterproof eyeliner -  
- tissues - 
- trying to hold it together - not so much

Everyone needs to chase their dreams, and yes, this is the way it's supposed to be. Still, it's emotional, exciting, and bittersweet. I feel the same way I did when my daughter left for college 3 years ago (post here). 

Yep, he's 6'3", and here's the reality:

but this is what I see:

And so the week has been filled with check-lists, dorm necessities, family time, cooking favorite foods, and counting down.

Monday, I'll jump in and tackle my own to-do list (intentionally planned to be extra long to keep me busy & distracted) until I get used to this new part of life. 

Tonight (borrowing from the Swedish) I'll try and settle my noisy brain with Egentid...me, myself, and a cup of tea.

Have a good week, friends.


  1. I know how you feel...,many tissues when my kids left the nest, but like you I am so proud of them. You will do fine. Love that sunset and those flowers. WOW Janice

  2. Such beautiful photos and love the ones of your son. So true to see them as they once were.

    I wish I could say we feel fall in the air as well but definitely not. It was nice for a couple of days but we're back to warm days (not super high humidity now, although it's due to return this weekend) and warm nights. Ugh....

    Hugs to you as you prepare for your son's move to college and for those first few weeks as you adjust. Keeping busy is a good idea indeed.

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. I can only imagine the heartache you feel amongst the joy of him spreading his wings. He is so adorable.
    It's okay to cry, this is one of the biggest changes in your life!


  4. Egentid = "Time for yourself"


    You will be fine. Deal with it, on your own time...

    It's a change. All change is difficult, to one degree or another.


    Gentle hugs

  5. Actually, Autumn is not that close, here. Oh yes, we get teases. But that's what they are, teases. We know that heat will return.

    But when we have days of sunny days, and cooooool nights, we really enjoy them.


  6. Oh, I will be thinking of and praying for you as you take your son to begin his next chapter! They do grow and change right before our eyes, don't they?! I think you are wise to have made a to-do list to keep you occupied the first few days. When Madison was living in Denmark, I would head right up to her room as soon as she left for the airport to start cleaning her room and bathroom! Hugs!

  7. Aug. 22

    How did the move in go????

    Gentle hugs,
    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨


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