Wednesday, April 20, 2022

rain, snow, sun...repeat, plus that blue shelf!

April's spring-flowering bulbs are finally pushing their way up through the soil...cheery daffodils, fragrant hyacinths, flowering magnolia trees are now blooming across the countryside and we can see there's a definite start to spring.

However; in an instant, a spring snow can fall and cover all those blooms with an icy glaze.

But in April, snows like this don't last long, and even though we're still getting an icy wind from the North, predictions are for a temperature of 80 degrees Saturday. For me, that's a little too hot...I hope it's not an indicator of a hot and humid (translation: miserable) summer to come!

As some of you may have read, I've been eyeing an old blue shelf that's been hanging in our barn for was here when we moved in. And with the help of my blogging friend Jance at Prims by the Water...a CupboardScape creator extraordinaire, and lots of suggestions from her readers, I was determined to bring that old blue shelf back to life!

I'm guessing it's as old as the barn (there was a 1959 Official State Yields catalog from Dekalb in a drawer) so down from the wall it came. I gently brushed off the dust & cobwebs and I rubbed on a light layer of Feed N Wax. 

While not as dark as the photos make it look (the foyer doesn't have a lot of light) the wax did darken the blue color...but it was so dry and flaky, I felt like I needed to give it a little protection. I'm hoping as the wax sinks in over time, it will lighten back up a bit. 

I placed the shelf on on a table in the foyer, and then I tinkered, and tinkered, and then tinkered some more with what to set on top. And so, here's the (probably not) final result:


Some little  gadgets were hanging on it,
so I brought those inside as well.

I've had this table runner for ages
but never found just the right spot
for it...this seemed like a good match to me.

Whoever "A" is, he seems to have lost his
drawer pull along the way...

while "F" still has his intact!

On the left I placed a milking stool that
belonged to my husband's grandfather,
and in front, is a photo from his grandmother.  

A flickering battery candle is tucked in an
old Mason jar I had in the cupboard.
The lime/orange garland I had planned
just seemed too fussy for this simple shelf,
so I bought a rosehip & nutmeg one instead.

Trying to add more family pieces,
the shelf is sitting on a length of barn wood 
from my father-in-law's barn. 

I tucked little pillows
(there's that "pop" of red again)
in a rusty egg basket, and put some
hyacinths in an old crock
(they make the downstairs smell wonderful)

And there you have it...I'm looking forward to changing it up with the seasons. Flags for summertime, pumpkins for fall, and greenery with Santa for winter.

Heartfelt thanks again to Janice for taking the time to stage so many wonderful options for me, and to her friends for sharing their suggestions! I love it and feel like I have a brand new piece of furniture.

A final thought...

I can't help but wonder what the 1959 farmer (or better yet, his wife!) would think about bringing that old barn shelf into the house!


  1. OMG its looks wonderful!!! A perfect place for it too. So glad you moved it inside to enjoy the beauty of it. Adding memories of your family on it also makes it even more special. Thanks for sharing. We also got that Spring snowstorm. My mom made it back home before it started and I was so glad as I worry about her driving now at her age. Janice

  2. Your shelf looks wonderful! I love that there are so many family items displayed along with it. The nutmeg and rosehip garland is perfect with this primitive piece. I look forward to seeing your seasonal changes throughout the year. Jan in MA

  3. Janice, thanks again for all the inspiration you gave me - your monthly CupboardScapes started it all! And you always incorporate something handed-down, which is such a sweet touch. Isn't it funny, some folks wouldn't say it was beautiful...but I agree, and I love the history behind it. Glad your mom got home before the snow was heavy...always a scary drive for me when the roads are snow-covered. Hope all is well! Mary

  4. Jan - thank you so much...I'm trying to keep those family pieces out more to enjoy and to share with the kids so they know who they belonged to. You must have some lovely spots in MA to shop for old treasures...what fun that would be! Have a good rest of the week! Mary

  5. Oooohhhhh I LOVE the shelf!! I particularly adore that it will be dressed for the seasons. So sweet.

    The weather really is something, isn't it? I agree that 80 is a bit too warm (particularly this early). The beautiful flowers sparkling with their icy jewels look beautiful but chilly. It's so nice to see color!!

  6. Hi Staci, thanks! I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, as they say. It's old and less than perfect, but still, I just love anything old! I'm not big on beat up, battered old, but this just seemed to need a "home."

    yes, it was 83 yesterday...ahhhh! I was working in the yard, but oh my, I'm not ready for that yet! 65 degrees is perfect for me. Hope you're getting some rest today...put up your feet and relax!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!