Thursday, March 03, 2022

old-school recipes...worth revisiting!


"Old School"

...the values of an earlier generation, retaining something good, others have lost.

That's the definition I've found makes the most sense to me...old-fashioned values, passing down traditions & recipes, sharing the stories behind sweet family photos before they're forgotten. Holding on to things that seem to be at a loss in these "hurry up" times.

In a world that seems to spin faster every day, I'm making an effort to slow down that pace a bit by dusting off some handed down recipes that have been tucked away for far too long. 

Once-upon-a-time, I was a Cookbook Editor, what a fun job with the best people! We spent time researching recipes, testing recipes, and of course eating the fruits of our labor. Because of that job, I collected several old cookbooks found on country store shelves and in small town bookstores. You know the kind...cookbooks that "needed a home." 

This one is completely handwritten; wish I knew the year...

a 1959 Farm Journal Country Cookbook...

Good Neighbor recipes from 1952...

I have exactly 5 handwritten recipes from my grandmother
(everyone called her Mom)...

and while sorting through my my mother-in-law's garage after she passed away,
I discovered an old recipe box filled with dozens of handwritten recipes...

While it's fun to try new recipes, I think you can never beat a time-tested classic, so I've decided to share these old recipes. I'll show you the original recipe, let you know how it turned out, along with any changes I might make the next time I prepare it. Some of the handwriting and ingredients are faded and hard to read, but I'll do my best!

Maizy is what my grandmother always called me, and Mae is the name I've given my 1950 Hotpoint stove (Mae was my grandmother's middle name). So together we'll be working our way through the vintage recipes I have on hand.

And so, with that long introduction, next week you'll find a retro recipe worth revisiting! We've already tested Chocolate Chip Cookies, Pasta Sauce & Meatballs, and Bread & Butter Pickles. Next on the list...I'm thinking the Perfect Fried Chicken from 1959 would be great this weekend!


if you've been reading here awhile and wonder how we weathered the lack of propane and heat for 3 weeks in February, you can read all about it here

Settle in and put your feet up, it's a long read!


  1. Oh I have a few handwritten recipes from my mom and gramma. So wonderful. Look forward to your recipes! Janice

  2. Hi Janice, those are so precious! I remember three recipes my grandmother always made: fried chicken, bread & butter pickles, and homemade rolls/bread. I only have the pickle recipe, but oh-so thankful for it. Thinking of you up north...20 degrees now, and supposed to be 70 tomorrow...certainly won't last! Mary

  3. Love those old recipes. I have quite a collection of old New Zealand cookbooks and some handwritten ones. So interesting to see how cuisine has changed over the years :)

  4. How special to have hand written recipes from your grandmother. My grandmother’s recipes were in her head and measurements were non existent. It was possible to know how much of anything went into a recipe. You are so fortunate to have these treasures!

  5. Hi Mary, thanks for popping by my blog. It was lovely to hear from you.

    I am looking forward to seeing the old-school recipes that you are working on. They sound fun to try!

    Hugs, Rose x

  6. Margaret - it's so interesting to read the old ones isn't it? Some have very little instruction (probably verbally handed down from mom to daughter) and others ingredients that are hard to find now. You're right, cuisine has changed! Some things look yummy, some I'm not so sure I'd try! Mary

  7. Marie - I'm so grateful for the ones I have. What I would love to have is her bread and roll recipes...they were amazing. And you're absolutely right...the ingredients and measurements were in her head - dash of this, pinch of that as they say. I lived with her until I was 10 when she passed away...all the things I love: country living, gardening, love of lilacs, canning, cooking, I truly believe were handed down from her. Mary

  8. Hi Rose, so good to hear from you! The recipes are fun to on my list is pasta sauce and meatballs. Hope all is well in your part of the world, take care! Mary


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