Wednesday, March 17, 2021


The sounds of March are special...the chattering of birds at the feeders, the snap of sheets on the clothesline, the roaring of tractors clearing fields, and the singing of peepers in the creek. 

Not that long ago, we were sweeping snow off steps, breaking ice, and clearing walking paths. Bailey would be romping through the snow drifts moving so quickly, it was impossible to get her to stop and pose!

After a long run outside, she'd come in and curl up with her favorite blanket.

Yep, I'm biased, but I have to say it...




March has also brought us the prettiest sunrises, each different and fleeting.

The days are getting longer, what a blessing each one is. I try to remind myself to take time and stop, listen, and look around...

a dog barks
birds flit in and out of trees
an old tree creaks in the wind
an eagle flies overhead

While I loved winter, I do believe it is past, and in the gentle, warm sunlight, or even the cool, starry night, let's take time. 

Time to savor the beauty of, and be thankful for, each day.