Sunday, October 04, 2020

harvest is at its peak!

The last couple of weeks have been picture-perfect...sun-shiny days filled with blue skies, just-right daytime temperatures and chilly evenings. Each morning is fresh and crisp with the rising sun, and then each night is aglow with an autumn moon...fall magic.

When October comes to the country, it's a gloriously busy time; harvesting the garden and "putting things up"  (as our grandmothers would say). Canning season is notoriously hot & humid, but not this year...temps in the 50's and 60's made it an easy task. With that done, we can now stack wood, order hay, and make plans for winter.

There is plenty of time to wash quilts, shake rugs, bake bread, light candles, make soup, sweep the porch...all the things that were easy to put off in the humidity of summer are now quickly done without a second thought. It's a happy time!

Today, sharing some snapshots of our harvest days on the farm...happy October!


And today's burning question...

I planted zucchini alongside white pumpkins:
this is what I got...

pumpkin body
zucchini skin

Have I created the first ZUMPKIN?

(I'll be cutting into it to see if the inside is pumpkin-like
or zucchini-like, stay tuned!)


  1. Beautiful photos! I am so incredibly grateful that the heat and humidity of summer have turned into pleasant cool and crisp fall splendor. We have a make-shift outdoor canning kitchen for our summer harvest. It has been disassembled and I now welcome the steam and heat from canning and blanching in the kitchen. My favorite time of the year. :) I can't wait to see what the zumpkin looks like inside!

  2. Staci, an outdoor canning kitchen is such a great idea! Could you share the how-to's sometime...did you use a portable stove for both cooking and canning? We have a camp stove, hmmm, maybe that would work. I envy the old houses that have a summer kitchen! Will keep you posted on the zumpkin! Either carving for Halloween or turning into zucchini bread!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!