Sunday, September 13, 2020

happenings on the farm...

I admit it...I am finicky when it comes to the seasons. Going through a store or receiving a catalog and seeing Halloween candy in July or Christmas decorations in August just makes me crazy...I will stop, look, and then roll my eyes.

Times like those always bring to mind the quote by Jeffrey R. Holland:

"Nature has its rhythms and its harmonies.
We would do well to fit ourselves as best we can with those cycles
rather than frantically throwing ourselves against them.
be calm, be patient, be happy with the season you are in."

Well, with that being said, I broke all my own rules a couple of weeks ago. The weather had been so hot and humid and we'd been cleaning out barns and the basement and well, I snapped. I needed Fall, so out came the pumpkin-vanilla candles and pumpkin-scented hand soaps. I just couldn't help it...I was NOT happy with the season I was in!

Ahhh, never underestimate the power of fragrance...sure, it may still be hot & humid outside as harvest and canning season begins, but somehow the scent of pumpkin and vanilla help me remember that soon sweater weather, colorful leaves, and the sound of a crackling fire are all just around the corner. Ahhh... 

And so, for us it's harvest-time, I'll take you on a little walk about the farm for a peek at what's happening in our part of the Midwest...

just-picked radishes and carrots...

sage I'll dry for Thanksgiving stuffing, peppers for canning...

flowers still bursting with cheery blooms... 

tomatoes for sauces and busy bees in pumpkin blooms.

                             And somehow...our daughter turned, gulp, 20! 


Thanks to the pandemic, we celebrated in style at home...silly style, including a candy-filled pinata, musical twirling birthday candles, and a family glow-stick selfie!

And lastly, for anyone wondering about Bailey, no worries, she's fitting in just fine!

Who rescued who?



  1. Awww...happy belated Birthday to your daughter! I'm with you on trying to stay with (and enjoy) the season we are in but I completely agree, this summer has been so incredibly hot and humid that it proved difficult. That's too funny that you broke out the pumpkin scented items. I'm hoping you have the fall-like weather in your area - we are enjoying it's much anticipated arrival here. So happy to see that Bailey is doing well! Have a wonderful week!!

  2. Thanks for your kind birthday wishes, I passed them on...time does fly.

    It was 42 this morning...I am so ready for fall. I put out the pumpkins today and canning begins tomorrow. Hope all is well with you!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!