Wednesday, April 24, 2019

spring cleaning whirlwind!

I'm spring cleaning, sprucing up, chasing dust it what you will, it's in full swing here!

The weather has turned and I do believe that spring is here to stay. We've mowed, collected fallen limbs, cleaned flower beds, and the coop has had it's spring cleaning as well...happy hens indeed.  I'm thinking I'll paint the inside of the coop and maybe even hang a chandelier, just for fun!

We're supposed to have some days that are picture-perfect, and so the to-do list should be much shorter soon...fingers crossed.

Well, time for me to get back to work, but I thought I'd share a few snapshots of what's happening in our corner of the world. 

beautiful skies...

found some retro-style goodies for Maizy 

a local craft store was having a big clearance sale...and I mean big,
70% off! 

Friends and I are thinking a Christmas in July get-together would be fun.

then I dressed her up with a few pillows stitched from vintage chenille...

I love looking out and seeing her glow at night...chances are it's a mother/daughter camp-out.

almost time for a jazz festival...

and a ballet recital

-Gordon B. Hinckley


  1. Thank you for stopping over my little place. The Eagle a wonderful experience. Not for the faint of heart. I saw a funny tee shirt which said " I survived my son's Eagle project". True. My son made a flag retirement drop off box for a historical teaching farm in the area. The owl boxes are a great idea, we had some boys in our group who made bird/duck houses. It is great to have "pen pals" here on blogger, who share the same simple joys, and do things "old fashioned". Glad to know you. Good Luck to your soon to be Eagle....

    1. I definitely want that tee shirt! Perfect! Thanks again for stopping by...and congrats to you and your son, it's a team effort!


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