Wednesday, February 13, 2019
oh-so easy Valentine's Day treats!
Today I'll take a break from talking about the weather...
I won't tell you about the 1.21" of rain we received yesterday, closing roads and making everything muddy. The kind of mud that boots sink down into and make me wonder if they're actually going to be pulled off my feet with each step.
I won't tell you that today it's a blizzard...blinding snow paired with non-stop westerly winds (winds which once again remind us that plaster walls from 1864 can only do so much.)
What I will tell you is that in no time at all you can easily whip up lots of treats for tomorrow's big day! Inspired by some sweets I saw at a local store, why buy when it's a snap to make them at home?
Step one...
gather your favorite goodies; for us that's a collection of strawberries, cookies, pretzel rods, rice squares, and crisply cooked bacon. (YES, BACON!)
Step two...
place candy melts in a double boiler (for me, candy melts work better than melting chocolate chips - they seem smoother and hold their shape better after dipping.)
Step three...
dip goodies; top with sprinkles or drizzle with extra chocolate and set aside to cool and harden.
I hear a local pizza shop is baking heart-shaped pizzas...dinner's taken care of!
Tomorrow is special day for letting those we love know just how much we care...create some chocolaty treats, make a phone call, invite girlfriends over for afternoon tea, make heart-shaped pizzas with the kids, or leave a surprise on a friend's doorstep.
Let your heart be light!
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