Saturday, January 13, 2018

two little words...

Overnight temperatures plummeted and sleet fell...pair both of those with an icy blast of wind and this morning we found ourselves bundled up top-to-bottom as we stepped outside. And while definitely not stylish, we were warm...that's the rule for today!

A blanket of fresh snow created deep drifts in front of the barns, but, as always, they are unable to slow our happy, tail wagging Wishbone from trotting briskly around the yard to see what's happened overnight. But soon enough, even she decides it's best to get tucked into a cozy blanket and settle down for a nap.

I feel glad to be home...another log is tossed on the fire and I'm settling in with a cup of herbal tea to read a book given to me by the daughter of a dear friend...The Little House Book of Wisdom. This young lady, a high school freshman, has such a love of all things old; old ways, old books, old homes. Few young people are fortunate enough to have this sense of history...a respect for the past and a sure knowledge that the small and simple things make the sweetest memories. And did I mention she plays the fiddle too? (Oh, some may call it a violin, but not us!)

The gusty wind whistles, but inside, all is well. And those two little words?

Simply Blessed.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

pure silliness!

Here on the farm it's always it is for everyone!

For a week the hot water line in the kitchen has been frozen, with temperatures -12 a couple of mornings it was no surprise. I truly don't think there's any insulation in this 154-year old kitchen (hint, hint, total renovation is on my mind!) We always keep faucets dripping and a space heater blowing warm air on the lines to try and stave off the inevitable as long as possible. A couple of years ago we had a low of -28...yep, I found my vanilla extract in the cupboard partially frozen!  (About that renovation...hop on over to my Pinterest board for some of the ideas on my wish list!)

Source: Here

Source: Here

Okay...back to reality!

And so for a week I've been boiling water to wash dishes. Now, as much as I love the idea of a Little House on the Prairie lifestyle, this was getting a bit old, and Monday, much to my delight, the hot water lines thawed, yay!

However; it was a short-lived victory. Last night I could hear, then see, water coming out from under the dishwasher. It's happened before...when the lines finally do thaw, we know that the dishwasher lines have taken all the stress they can and finally they burst.

Well, hubby can reroute water away from the dishwasher leak...I think we'll just wait until spring for the repair. Our forecast for the weekend is several inches of snow and temps below zero again...and so it goes!

Anyway, in all the ups & downs I wanted to share this snowglobe was popular a few years ago and I thought it had vanished off the internet (I should know better).  It made me laugh then, and still does...just what I needed!  Hope you enjoy it too...remember to left click and hold on your mouse, then shake the mouse to see what happens.  

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Friday, January 05, 2018

first snow day from school!

We wait for it...
we hope for it...
we cross fingers and toes for it...

then suddenly, we get the text is CLOSED today!  It's followed by the family happy dance then the texting of friends (we don't want anyone to miss the good news!)

I love snow days...I will say the temps are a bit chilly, even for me...we saw -16 a couple of mornings (actual temperature, not wind chill!), but a good old-fashioned, getting-snowed-in for a few days would be fine with me any time.

So how does our day look? It starts with a big mug of hot chocolate, and if you haven't tried Double Dark Hot Chocolate from Williams Sonoma, you need to change that straight away!  It is sooo good, I think "heavenly" was the word I used when I told hubby how wonderful it was.
Not cocoa powder, but a mixture of semi-sweet and bittersweet chocolate shavings that melt in hot milk...yes, heavenly! 

There will be a crackling fire all day to chase away the chill...and I'm sure the kids will make s'mores before the day is over. I keep a vintage metal basket by the fireplace filled with all the supplies...just in case we need a sweet treat!

Always a movie marathon on snow days...some times it's the Harry Potter series, other times it's the Lord of the Rings, Merlin, Doctor Who, or Sherlock.

On the menu for today is my daughter's latest favorite, a BLATT...bacon, lettuce, avocado, turkey, and tomato sandwich, and there's a request to bake Toll House Pie.  

And so it goes, a happy Friday on the farm...wishing you a happy weekend as well, stay cozy, warm, and plan a movie marathon this weekend!

Monday, January 01, 2018

happy new year!

It was -16 when we welcomed in 2018...brrr! On a morning like this, all our animals get an extra portion of breakfast to keep them warm, along with special slices for the goats, warm mash for the chickens, and a meaty rib roast bone for our faithful guard dog, Wishbone.

For all their charm, 154-year old farmhouses can be a bit chilly, so I wasted no time building a fire in the kitchen fireplace and I've slipped on a pair of thick, fuzzy socks to keep my "always cold" toes warm. The house is are still snoozing and that's just fine with me...these frosty days are meant for sleeping in, curling up in warm quilts, board games, and movie marathons.

And so that's our plan for the day...traditional pork roast dinner (although I'm the only one who will enjoy the sauerkraut!) along with a day to enjoy being together.

Thank you for stopping by to see what's happening in our little corner of the Midwest...I wish for you all the blessings of a brand new year: a clean slate, days to dream, and 365 calendar spaces to fill with the sweetest memories!