Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"just a housewife..."

I stumbled upon this photo one day while wandering through Pinterest...
ah, yes...how addictive! How inspiring! 

I love looking at photos from days past...lovely shadows, vintage dishes, a thoughtful expression. What is she gazing at through the window?

But what stopped me cold, was the comment posted underneath the photo...

Photo Source

"I would have liked to be 'just' a housewife."

It made me sad...made me stop...made me be grateful. I remember reading once that someone else is dreaming of what you already have.

Oh yes, I've done the 9-5. In a past life, I was the Sr. Book Editor for a cookbook publishing company.

Several years ago, many of us arrived to find that the company, in an effort to restructure, had made cuts in the staff. I was one of those, along with a great group of creative folks, who found themselves looking for a fresh start. Alas, cookbook editor jobs are few and far between, even more so in our little part of the Midwest. And one where I could work from home...that was impossible to find. 

But, as we say, "Life is Good." I began chasing a writing dream with my "free" time, I substitute teach at a terrific elementary school, and I bake for our local farmers' market grocery.

I'm here for the kids whenever they need me (as well as the chickens and goats) and hubby is supportive of my farmgirl wannabe dreams (except for the milk cow...he won't budge on that!) 

Someday soon I'll share my feelings on what I've learned along the way...no, you can't have it all, at least not at the same time, anyway. And oh, yes, what to say to those ladies who ask,
"What DO you do all day? Are you ever going back to work?"

I often think of this quote by Jeffrey R. Holland

 "Nature has its rhythms and its harmonies.
We would do well to fit ourselves as best we can 
with those cycles
rather than frantically throwing ourselves against them.
Be calm, be patient, be happy with the season you are in."

Each day I try to remember that motherhood never ends, but childhood does...be happy with the season I am in. Wise words indeed.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Yep...it's a way of life!

Goat Wrangling
Hoof Trimming
Garden Weeding
Stall Shoveling
Coop Cleaning

Monday, August 14, 2017

confetti salsa!

My friend Peggy shared this recipe with me Wednesday...since then, I've made it 4 times!
It's called green tomatillo salsa, but looks like a happy toss of confetti to me!

Now here's the thing, there's no "right" or "wrong" to this recipe...and there are no specific amounts for ingredients.

Don't let that worry you...it WILL taste great no matter what you do!  Peggy chops her ingredients in a hand chopper so they're small and the result is a salsa that's much more sauce-like...yummy.

I like my salsa more (isn't there a better word than "chunky?!) substantial. So mine is less salsa-like and probably qualifies as more of a side-dish...is that a problem? It's fine with me! Anyway, I simply chopped mine by hand quickly because I couldn't wait to enjoy it.

So here you are, the recipe straight from Peggy. Ingredients are in a quantity order...for example lots of tomatillos, not so much cilantro. From the photo you'll see I love red onion...out of proportion to the recipe below, but this is yours to enjoy, so make it anyway you like! I'm going to add some avocado next time.

Peggy’s Salsa

tomatillos, peeled and chopped (lots!)
red onion, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
jalapeƱo pepper, chopped (amount to taste)
cilantro, chopped (to taste)
salt (to taste)
lime juice (to taste)

Combine all in a bowl, grab a bag of tortilla chips, get ready to be happy!