Tuesday, March 14, 2017

snow day. Snow Day. SNOW DAY!

Just 5 days ago, we had a day so warm the beehives were buzzing! The girls were out in full force...bringing in pollen from the budding maple trees and sipping water in the bird baths.
I was thrilled to see they survived the winter.

But oh, how Mother Nature can change her mind...today it's a winter wonderland! School started off with a 2-hour delay, then, it was cancelled completely...yay! My best mom friends and I are texting back and forth...we can't believe it!

cute kitty gazing at the warm fire...

And the timing couldn't be more perfect...the Orchestra & Band kids just got back from their trip to Disney last night, and they all could use a day of sleep (chaperones, too!)

So today around the old farmhouse you'll find a cracking fire blazing, the aroma of cinnamon rolls and cherry turnovers, homemade cocoa, movie marathons (Dr. Strange, anyone?), and snow ice cream to go along with our Toll House Pie...after all, it is Pi Day!

(And if you're looking for some Pi(e) inspiration, visit the Royers Pie Haven...
you can find their Texas Trash recipe here. Don't let the name fool you...chocolate, pretzels, coconut, pecans, yum!)

Time to bundle up and brave the outdoors...even the critters get a treat on blustery days like this. Warm mash for the chickens and apples for the goats...oh happy day!

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