Friday, February 10, 2017



Yes,  Yes, Yes...we have snow!

and since no one knows how long it will last, 
today's post is short and sweet!

A Friday thought...
time flies, whether we're having fun or not,
so let's have fun!

If you're like us, I'll bet this weekend's calendar is already filled,
but tonight do something FUN!

We have plans to whip up snow ice cream,
roast marshmallows for s'mores, and enjoy pizza galore.

Let's do this together...

Laugh, lend a hand, say a kind word,
cheer someone up, deliver a secret surprise
...because yes, time does fly.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 02, 2017

6 more weeks of winter?!

It's official...

Punxsutawney Phil says 6 more weeks of winter! (Who?  Take a peek here if you haven't heard the latest.)

And that's just fine with me!  It means more of...




and this!

Sadly, we haven't had a lot of snow this year; however, I'm sure we are
definitely, positively, absolutely going to have a bunch this month!

Yes, oodles! And you'll find us sleeping in during snow days from school, then waking up to enjoy cinnamon rolls, movie marathons, board games, homemade cocoa, crackling fires, snow ice cream, and settling in under a cozy quilt with a good book at the day's end. 

It's true...


Stepping outside to do chores can be, I admit, tricky, depending on the ice or how deep the snow has fallen.  But oh how I love to stand still and watch the lacy snowflakes fall, listen to the birds chattering around the feeder, and take in the smell of woodsmoke in the air. Even the crunch of snow underfoot is a wintertime delight.

I always watch to see if the geese are flying overhead, and if I time it right, and I've found the perfect silent snow day, the sound of their wings can be heard.

Yes, I'm hoping Phil is right...I'm not ready for winter to be over just yet.