Saturday, January 21, 2017

getting together with the girls...

For me, January is a quiet time to catch my breath after the holidays. I feel as if I can relax a bit before jumping into the unknown adventures of a whole new year. It's a time to reflect on the past year, hopefully learn a thing or two, and then move forward.

Ahhh - 2017 stares me down with a to-do list that's a mile long. My plan? Look my list squarely in the eye and chip away at it as best I can.

However one item on my list will be easy...and that's to spend more time with girlfriends. The time does it happen? We wave from passing cars in the parking lot at school, text when we find a spare minute, and talk about how we really need to get together.

This year, I've made it a goal to do just that...get together!  I know we're all busy, but sometimes, we just need a day together...a day to laugh, a shoulder to cry on, or simply solving the world's problems sipping a death-by-chocolate milkshake.* 

And because we all get stirred up over those three little words...

"Do you work?"

Here's my handy-dandy invitation...

And so this year, my girlfriends and I are going to get together as often as we can...we already have plans to meet at our favorite farm sale, go out for lunch, start a friendship garden, walk the local trail, and help each other as we roll up our sleeves and begin painting, removing wallpaper, and sprucing up our homes.

"Help one another is the religion of our sisterhood."
-Louisa May Alcott

If you already get together often with girlfriends, share your ideas to get us inspired! And if you're like me, wondering how I can squeeze in one more thing, let's do this together.

Let's make this year one where we offer a hand, lend a shoulder, and make each other laugh.
I have the feeling sharing just a little bit more of myself, will make all the difference in making me a better person. 

Here's to a happy, happy New Year!

And if you're wondering what a death-by-chocolate milkshake is...

In a blender, add scoops of chocolate ice cream, drizzle chocolate syrup, add chocolate milk...whirl until blended, heaven!


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

I love, Love, LOVE snow days!

When I look out the window and see this...

and this...

and then get a text alert that school is cancelled...I do a happy dance and build this!

Because I absolutely love snow days (or in our case, today was an ice day)!

I love that we all get to sleep in a little's so wonderful settling back under the warm flannel sheets and cozy quilts. And finally, when I do pull myself out, I want to sneak downstairs before the kids are up and make cinnamon rolls...there's just something about waking up to that aroma...mmm.

The house is quiet, except for the crackle of wood in the fireplace, and soon I am sitting right in front of the hearth. Az, the orange tabby who stole our hearts when he appeared on the doorstep, is quite content to be curled up on a favorite blanket.

A crackling fire, a purring cat, and the sweet aroma of cinnamon rolls...these "always" things warm my heart. I will never forget my son asking for real hot chocolate several years ago. Looking at me he said, "You know, the kind made with love?" 

At home by the fire on this frosty day, I am keenly aware of how good life is.

A new year is here...time to ponder, time to plan...what will we do with the days given us?